Mike's Oud Forums

list of oud notes

oudplayer - 7-15-2004 at 01:34 PM

hety i dont know what it is called but i tuned my oud f d a g c and some one told me its really good to learn that when u hold down a string it has a note and makes a new sound {as wer know}
does anyone have a lise of that
]thx sammy
email is temoniprince@aol.com
plez dont say maqum.com bc that does not help me

david - 7-15-2004 at 10:04 PM

:wavey: My advice to you is to use a chromatic tuner. Also you should look into some music theory websites. That way you'll be able to use maqam.com.
For example: From the D string you'll get D-Eb-E-F-F# and so on. You need to learn how many steps there are between each note and you'll be able to figure it out.
Good Luck:xtreme:

palestine48 - 7-16-2004 at 12:13 AM

here are the notes for the scale in eastern notation of do ra me fa so la si do. I am a beginner to so if im wrong please point it out.

-----------------------la b-------sol-----------fa

as u see the notes all not on same points on each line. so roughly the notes or onthese points. the far right are open strings and correlate to fdagcf on a 6 course. u can figure out the rest by pocess of elimination. on top string sol is played with second finger and la flat( b) with third finger. On botton two strings . the first finger plays the midnote and the second strings playes the far left note. where as middle string u use first and third fingers for the respective notes. the x on the top second line means the note is la flat as well. so thats my knowledge from my recent studies hope it helps.

Elie Riachi - 7-16-2004 at 07:29 AM

Don't you mean the x is Do flat?

And if your sketch is to scale, shouldn't the "La b" be the same distance from the Sol as the distance of the x from the Si (in other words a half-step)?

Also if Fa is F, then Si is B and Re is D for the open strings, no?

Elie Riachi

palestine48 - 7-16-2004 at 09:37 AM

I apologize, i wasnt focusing on accurate scale and it was late at night, i just wanted to put out a rough idea. I know sol on the 6ths tring is a half step where as the x is ( i dont know how to say) on the same point as the me note under it. If u can clarify this , accept my apologies. and you are correct si is b, the open string should be la. I beleive I made an error in my notes. Also i may have misunderstood what the x exactly means, because on kurd sol the open 5th string is not played so I think that would be la b. I apologize for the confusion.
