Mike's Oud Forums

Maqamat Maghribi

Cocomaan - 2-10-2010 at 09:29 AM

Hello again, friends.

I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers/names/notes of maqams with Moroccan origins or influences.

Just some background: my wife lived in Morocco for awhile with a post-nomadic Amazighi settlement, and I did my thesis on a now-abandoned Moroccan city on the edge of the Sahara (Sijimassa, near Rissani) and the Amazigh dynasties. Here's the link if you happened to be interested :)


I already appreciate the deep heritage of the area, so I was wondering what role the oud had in medieval Morocco and Andalusian society.

fernandraynaud - 2-11-2010 at 12:21 AM

Do you have access to d'Erlanger's 6 volume "La Musique Arabe"?

Do you read French? There are some mediocre scans of volumes I-III and most of Volume V. The full set is hard to find on paper as some volumes are again out of print (especially volume 5, which details the Maqamat), and costs several hundred Euros. For most purposes the PDF scans (that float among forum members) are adequate. Each Maqam in volume 5 is detailed as below.

derlangerP148.jpg - 53kB derlangerP149.jpg - 57kB

As to to what maqam originated where, that's a snarl! But between d"erlanger and Marcus' "Arab music theory in the modern period" (phD Thesis 1989 u.Mich also floats here as a scan) you can fry your brain but good.

Cocomaan - 2-11-2010 at 12:55 PM

I'm going to see if I can get it from my library's periodical catalog. Thanks for the scans - I really appreciate it.

fernandraynaud - 2-11-2010 at 06:16 PM

Here's the PDF of most of volume 5, the part that lists the maqamat


Volumes 1-3 contain original treatises.

These people have a wealth of material
