Mike's Oud Forums

SF Bay Area Oud Gathering - June 22-30?

John Erlich - 6-14-2010 at 04:25 PM

Greetings San Francisco Bay Area Oud Maniacs,

Are any of you interested in getting together some time between Tuesday, June 22 and Wednesday, June 30 for some jamming, food, 'araq/rakı, Turkish & Moroccan tea, etc.?

We could get together at a home (my humble abode, for instance), a park, restaurant, whatever.

Let me know. I am happy to take the lead in organizing it.


tchandler - 6-15-2010 at 09:19 AM

Hey John,
I'm in, providing child care works itself out!

John Erlich - 6-15-2010 at 11:11 AM

Hi Tom,

What are your preferences (day, time, location, etc.)?


tchandler - 6-15-2010 at 04:54 PM

that Tuesday the 22nd is good for me, sat the 26th is fine too. I'd say location depends on how many folks opt in. I don't think I'm in a position to host, however...

fernandraynaud - 6-16-2010 at 02:19 AM

I'm interested, will be home tomorrow..

John Erlich - 6-17-2010 at 10:56 AM

If there's only going to be 3 of us, I guess it could be pretty flexible.

Possible options:

1) My place Sat. evening for lamb tagine dinner (any vegetarians? food allergies?);
2) Meet at a restaurant before or after jam;
3) Picnic/jam in a park (daylight hrs.?);
4) Meet at Oasis Market/Deli in Oakland (jam in their cafe area);
5) Meet at Hooka bar in SF;
6) etc.

Send me a U2U with email/phone # if you want to start gettin' specific.


fernandraynaud - 6-17-2010 at 02:52 PM

Ok, I'm in, If not a saturday I could probably host at my home in Oakland hills. Are there so few of us?

U2u saturated. My mail fernand.raynaud@gmail.com

esteso - 6-19-2010 at 11:49 AM

Hi guys,

I'm a new guy and wouldn't have much to contribute in terms of Oudism but I'd love to come on by and soak up the atmosphere a bit and meet some of you local guys. (if it's actually happening)

I live up in Fairfax in Marin.
