Mike's Oud Forums

web site idea

Jonathan - 8-13-2004 at 11:11 AM

I think it would be great if there was a web site (or, better yet, a book) which listed as many oud-builders as we can think of, living and dead, with a very brief (2 or 3 sentences) synopsis of their career. Then, a picture or two of one of their ouds.
So, for example, I could look up Kyvelos, see a picture of a Kyvelos oud, and get a brief summary of his career.
For luthiers that are alive, a contact number could be included.
This would also help rescue from obscurity some of the lesser known luthiers who have passed on, or who no longer produce ouds. I would love to see a Mirjanian oud, for example, but never have. How great it would be if I could somehow look on a web page and see one.
I just thought I would toss this idea out there in case anybody wants to pick up on it. I am toying with it myself, but I would be very happy if somebody else did it.
Jonathan Varjabedian