Mike's Oud Forums

Looking to buy an Oud in NYC

callmefarid - 12-13-2010 at 02:08 PM

Hi guys, i was looking to buy a new oud. Im in NYC and i wanted to know how i could go about buying a new Oud. What should i look for so i can tell its a good Oud? Like what should it be made of? Which maker should it? PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I have 1 Oud made in the "Oud House" by Ahmed Abdel Halim and i wanted to get a better one. Thanks

callmefarid - 12-14-2010 at 12:13 PM

Anyone going to help me out here?

Brian Prunka - 12-14-2010 at 07:00 PM

You should sign up for the yahoo group "arabicmusicretreat". It's for Simon Shaheen's retreat, but a lot of members are in the NY/NJ/CT area and someone might have an oud to sell if you post a request.

spyros mesogeia - 12-14-2010 at 07:13 PM

Hello My friend,
I have some ouds available for sale,2 of them,brand new and available for sale,the one is for arab tunning.
Let me Know if you are interested.
For more informations you can contact me by P.M.The Instruments are for professional use and they are excellent craftmanship.
Wamest Regards
Dr.Spyros Koliavasilis

callmefarid - 12-14-2010 at 07:28 PM

thanks for the responses! im looking for some more info if anybody can assist me, it would be of great help!

adamgood - 12-14-2010 at 11:40 PM

Do you live in NYC or are you just visiting? Finding an oud in NYC is surprisingly tricky and the lack of response just reflects that...they don't grow on trees there for some reason. There are however lots of ouds there that people own so it's possible you could find one. The only suggestion I can make is maybe get in touch with Haig Manoukian. He's a great udi, makes repairs and lives in the East Village. Would probably give you some advice.

Send me a private message if you want his contact info.

BTW, also a great idea from Brian about getting in touch with the Arab Music Retreat regulars.

All the best and good luck!

callmefarid - 12-15-2010 at 11:12 AM

Thanks Adam, i bought an Oud here but its not so good. Yes I live in NYC so maybe i will contact Haig