Mike's Oud Forums

Haider Fuoad Syrian Oud Question

Amos - 12-13-2011 at 08:34 AM

I just came across this oud...as far as I can read the label says, Haider Fuoad, Damascus. And the date says 1922. I have no idea if this is a genuine label. The top is obviously not original but do you guys think the body may actually be that old? Was this maker making ouds then? I found a label from the same maker that looked different so I have no idea. Any thoughts?

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FastForward - 12-13-2011 at 10:03 AM

The date is 1988 not 1922. I can't comment on anything else as I don't have much info.

SamirCanada - 12-13-2011 at 01:29 PM

My oud teacher here in ottawa had a fouad haidar oud which I did some repairs on for him. Excellent tone but the fingerboard was made of a rather soft wood that deeply groved the fingerboard.

The top looks original to me. the edge tiles are consistent with the one I repaired.

it did have a plastic rose though, where as the one here doesnt have one. Probably means someone took it off to get inside the oud, for repairs perhaps, and didnt know how to glue it back.

ahmed_eissa - 12-13-2011 at 02:52 PM

Indeed, the date is 1988.

Amos - 12-13-2011 at 03:16 PM

wow I'm embarrassed! The slope of the character didn't go down as far as I'm used to seeing the 8 in Arabic, so it looked like 1922!!! Classic beginner's mistake, thank you guys very much!