Mike's Oud Forums

New design around oud

sylvainbd - 3-1-2012 at 06:44 AM

Hello guys :wavey:

I'd like to find a solution to play oud everywhere without fear to break my oud. I'm searching an oud designed for a trip ! :airguitar:

So generally what are the different design of the oud?

Exemples :

oud acoustic.jpg - 4kB Oud elec 2.jpg - 8kB Oud elec.jpg - 6kB

oud acoustic 2.jpg - 3kB

That's all ?!! ;)

sylvainbd - 3-1-2012 at 11:45 AM

I found a solution but only for guitarist

Is there the same thing for oud player ?!

silent guitar.jpg - 5kB guitar kit.jpg - 8kB

mavrothis - 3-1-2012 at 12:32 PM

Look for the silent/electric oud Tasos Theodorakis makes here: http://www.theodorakis.name/ouds.html

MatthewVanitas - 3-1-2012 at 09:21 PM

There's a good thread on the subject from 2009, and that thread itself makes reference to an earlier thread on the topic:


The Tasos travel uke does look awfully cool, though it's not cheap. I would wonder though if there's anyone who could make you a travel uke at an affordable price that's just a basic "stick and strings" instrument. For a parallel, note the ukuleles, banjos, etc. by the German company Risa:

sylvainbd - 3-1-2012 at 11:15 PM

Thank you for yours ideas.

"Oud practice" of tasos theodorakis is an interesting idea !

Does he the only one to make that design ?

mavrothis - 3-2-2012 at 01:21 AM


As far as I know, the "oud practice" is Taso's design and nobody else makes it.

I'm sure he'd be happy to tell you about it if you contact him.


fernandraynaud - 3-2-2012 at 02:19 AM

You know, I doubt I would be happy, personally, traveling with an electric-only oud. I'd want to be able to play in the moonlight, and I can't see lugging an amp around while traveling. There's a Sukar flat-back that can also be played acoustically, but it's fiberglass, big and quite heavy they say. There are some Izmir Turkish electric ouds that are also flat-backed, but they don't look terribly well-made.

I've considered a Martin Backpacker, and I got a short-scale Luna acoustic guitar that's quite compact and that I really like, so by extension, if I were traveling and couldn't use a regular oud, I'd look into that funny-looking hexagonal one. The biggest risk would be that the action might be terrible on it. It's probably made in Pakistan. But the vendors in the US anyway offer a good return policy, and it's not expensive, and THAT's important too, in case it's destroyed or stolen. I wonder if anyone here has ever tried one.



sylvainbd - 3-2-2012 at 04:07 AM

Thank you fernandraynaud for your comment.

I think that best solution is an electric oud with a good pickup like korg pandora mini ( more than 150 effects !).

But even an electric oud can be troublesome because of his traditional and cumbersome peg box ...

korg pandora mini.jpg - 7kB

Brian Prunka - 3-2-2012 at 06:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by fernandraynaud  
There's a Sukar flat-back that can also be played acoustically, but it's fiberglass, big and quite heavy they say.

No, it's not heavy, nor particularly big . . . about the same as one of his regular ouds.

The electronics in it are worthless, though, which is why I replaced the pickup in mine. Also, his fake floating bridge design on it is no good, so I had John V. make me a new fixed bridge for it.
In the end, it's pretty nice and surprisingly loud for what it is. Quieter than a regular oud, but perfectly capable of being played acoustically.

abc123xyz - 3-2-2012 at 03:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sylud  

I'd like to find a solution to play oud everywhere without fear to break my oud. I'm searching an oud designed for a trip !

If an acoustic oud is what's wanted, and your concern is solely in regard to the instrument getting damaged, I suppose one built out of carbon-fiber would be the best solution, and which could even be built in the traditional shape.

I don't know if any such thing exists at this time, however, and I assume that it would be rather expensive. So if one is also concerned about theft or loss, besides damage, such an oud would be of no benefit. In the latter case I would recommend something like this:


The guy in the video builds 3-string slide guitars, but one could easily build the same sort of thing with more strings, though personally I would limit each course to one string on an instrument of that simplicity. I would also go ahead and provide it with regular guitar tuners, myself.

Before anybody assumes that I'm joking, let me say that I am not. The guy in the video and many other people playing similar instruments get very good sound from them, and they are ridiculously cheap to build. Most of the cost of a comparable "cardboard-box oud" would be in the 6 or 7 guitar tuners, and in the set of strings, and you'd never have to lose any sleep over one getting lost or stolen. :)


fernandraynaud - 3-2-2012 at 07:43 PM

Well, lots of ideas, curious what you will pick. Cost is certainly a major determinant, put enough money into any situation, and you have more options ;-)

One more idea: how about a Cumbus? Pretty compact, insensitive to humidity/temp changes, mechanical tuners, can be dismantled into almost a shoebox in a pinch ...


... Some pretty funky players on the Cumbus, but it comes in oud neck and stringing.



sylvainbd - 3-3-2012 at 01:31 AM

Thanks a lot for your propositions !

I started yesterday to sketch a oud for travel with a software of computer aided design.

When it will be finished i'll show you what is my "silent oud" !

I have a cumbus saz and i love his sound. Very handy and robust.

cumbus saz.jpg - 5kB

But i d like to play an oud in the same circumstance. Traditionnal cumbus is with steel string and i don't like his sound ...

With few hours of work and craft materials, I should get there !!

MatthewVanitas - 3-3-2012 at 04:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by abc123xyz  


The guy in the video builds 3-string slide guitars, but one could easily build the same sort of thing with more strings, though personally I would limit each course to one string on an instrument of that simplicity. I would also go ahead and provide it with regular guitar tuners, myself.

Before anybody assumes that I'm joking, let me say that I am not. The guy in the video and many other people playing similar instruments get very good sound from them, and they are ridiculously cheap to build. Most of the cost of a comparable "cardboard-box oud" would be in the 6 or 7 guitar tuners, and in the set of strings, and you'd never have to lose any sleep over one getting lost or stolen. :)

Interesting you mention; I was asking folks about a cigar box oud here last year: http://www.mikeouds.com/messageboard/viewthread.php?tid=12137

I never got around to commissioning such an instrument, but an oud version of something like this could be pretty affordable, compact/light, and fun:

Aymara - 3-4-2012 at 02:06 AM

You travel a lot and want to play oud in a hotel? Then THIS is the ideal solution :D

Ok, let's get serious again ... if I would be in need of a robust oud, that can be played silently accoustic and electric too, I would buy a Godin Multioud.

sylvainbd - 3-4-2012 at 05:19 AM

I had also thought to godin multioud. This great mark of guitar make excellent models.

But one time again i think that is possible to realize something more small and cheap. Also this instrument tuned in F ... I prefer play in D or C ...
Just by curiosity i'd like to try this multi oud !

Now my model is sketched on my software. I have to make it ! But i don't have enough materials ... In few weeks it will be ready !!... :airguitar:

fernandraynaud - 3-4-2012 at 05:28 AM

Care to show us the design?

stos - 3-4-2012 at 08:59 AM

I think also that you could put nylon strings like usual oud strings instead of metal on a cumbus, am I wrong?

sylvainbd - 3-4-2012 at 12:16 PM

I never try to play a cumbus with nylon string ... why not ! The sound must be interesting.

For my project, I don't want show the design of my silent oud into this forum. I have to realize it before.

Patience fernandraynaud ! I need few weeks ;)

brico.jpg - 11kB

sylvainbd - 7-30-2013 at 06:48 AM

Hi friends :)

15 months later, i am glad to show you what my "new design" became ...

nouphar - 7-30-2013 at 02:09 PM

Normal Aquila strings (very high tension) on a cumbus make a great sound. The tension is too high for an oud but less than regular cumbus strings.

I think that a good idea would be putting oud strings on a wooden cumbus.

I have a flatback oud from Saadettin Sandi. Good instrument but it is quieter than a traditional oud.

By the way that flatback pakistani oud looks horrible and unplayable. Maybe you could start from that idea and improve it.


sylvainbd - 7-31-2013 at 01:37 AM

i am sorry nouphar i don't understand what you mean. You speak about "sylent-oud" when you said ... ?
Quote: Originally posted by nouphar  

By the way that flatback pakistani oud looks horrible and unplayable