Mike's Oud Forums

oud arbi

michoud - 4-1-2012 at 06:11 AM

Hi folks!
I need some info about the oud arbi, in which countries is it alive, in which kinds of music is it use/used...
maybe some website about this kind of oud?

Giorgioud - 4-1-2012 at 06:55 AM

Hello Michoud,
the oud arbi is still used extensively in Algeria, for the music genre called Chaabi. Over there it's called "Kwitra", and under that name you will be able to find a fair amount of information about it on the internet, written in English, French and Arabic.
You can copy and paste this good article in French if you want:


The following is a brilliant site in English which lists and describes many instruments of the African continent, and there's a short paragraph dedicated to the kwitra


And this is a video of a guy playing Kwitra on YouTube.


And the following one is a cool article in French of all the instruments related to the oud, including an informative paragraph on the kwitra.


Hope that helps.

oudtab - 4-2-2012 at 07:21 AM

Bonjour michoud,

2 video links :

Algerian Oud Arbi

Tunisian oud arbi Kouitra (or kwitra)

But I have not an good address to find these kind of oud.

michoud - 4-6-2012 at 11:49 AM

Thanks folks!!!!!
So nowadays we can only find oud arbi in Algeria and Tunisia?

Giorgioud - 4-6-2012 at 12:38 PM

"So nowadays we can only find oud arbi in Algeria and Tunisia?"

It looks like it........if anybody on the forum reading this who would like either to confirm or disprove it, please do so....it's an interesting and important piece of information, it would be nice to nail it once for all........

Jody Stecher - 4-6-2012 at 06:55 PM

and France

Quote: Originally posted by michoud  
Thanks folks!!!!!
So nowadays we can only find oud arbi in Algeria and Tunisia?

Giorgioud - 4-7-2012 at 06:38 AM

"and France"

Very true Jody, as France has a very high concentration of immigrants from the Maghreb, and their French descendants. Plus, I suspect, quite a few of the Gallo-Celt stock who got enamoured of the sound and took it upon themselves to learn it...