Mike's Oud Forums

George Michel and others - Taqseem: Authentic Instrumental Music by the Most Famous Arab Artists

ameer - 4-25-2012 at 05:48 PM


Here is some more George Michel. The album Taqseem: Authentic Instrumental Music by the Most Famous Arab Artists is a collection of improvizations by George Michel, Ahmed El Hafnawi, Abdo Saleh, and others. Surprisingly my favorite part here is Abdo Saleh's qanun taqsims; I feel that George Michel's portion is just okay. That being said I'm unaware of any other place to buy or hear this recording so I'll let you listen for yourselves.

Jody Stecher - 4-25-2012 at 06:55 PM

Wow, that sure brings back memories. Thanks so much for sharing this. Believe it or not (but it *is* true) I've been thinking about this old album for the last 3 days. I had the LP when it was new but then somehow it disappeared by 1970. So I haven't heard this or even seen a copy for over 40 years. OK, not the greatest Arabic music ever recorded but its nostalgia value for me is large.

ameer - 4-25-2012 at 07:25 PM

Glad you enjoyed it. I'm intrigued by George Michel's oud on this recording; it sounds very similar to the one he used in the Abas El Balady recording I posted a while back but it now appears to have 7 strings; this is the first time I'm hearing him use a 7 string oud. I also love the sound of his D (or C# in this case) course as it sounds vaguely nylon but has some more meat to it.

stringmanca - 4-25-2012 at 07:32 PM

Thank you!! Great stuff!