Mike's Oud Forums

barbat players in Iran

michoud - 5-24-2012 at 05:57 AM

Hi folks!
I would like to know about good barbat players based in Iran in these days.
and if you know any website of barbat players also based in Iran, please tell me!

John Erlich - 5-24-2012 at 09:55 AM

Why not send an email and ask Hossein Behroozinia? He is a barbat player living in Vancouver, Canada. His web page: http://www.behroozinia.com

Good luck,

urus - 5-24-2012 at 11:09 AM


spyblaster - 5-27-2012 at 12:54 PM

well if what you mean is iranian long neck ouds, check majid nazempour's website: http://oudmajid.com
arpezh teymoorian is also good, unfortunately his web is expired : http://arpezh.com
the others i know are web-less :D