Mike's Oud Forums

can you play kommas on Turkish clarinet?

Renato - 6-13-2012 at 02:46 PM

Any udistas out there have experience with Turkish Clarinet? If so, how to get ahold of a good one here in Chile....


stos - 6-14-2012 at 02:49 AM

hello renato,

of course you can play kommas on clarınet (every clarınet, even Sıb)

and I could say you have to ıf you want to play turkısh musıc :cool:

ıt ıs done mostly wıth the mouth/throat technique

about where to fınd one ın chıle...I can t help you sorry :rolleyes:

DoggerelPundit - 6-14-2012 at 12:14 PM

Hi Renato,

On Youtube, search for recordings by either Mustafa Kandirali or Selim Sesler—hear the komma notes and rejoice! Also, there are Turkish produced CDs around for both of them.

As for getting hold of a Turkish G clarinet, Lark In The Morning is a good (but generally expensive) source that ships internationally. Their G clarinet is about midway down this page...


Note that they are the older Albert system fingering. At one time, Albert system clarinets were quite common in Eb, C, Bb, and A. It is possible that you might find one of these in Santiago by looking in second hand stores or in the "backrooms" of long established music stores. If you get one, you can practice fingerings on it until you get a Turkish G instrument. Be sure it is stamped "LP" for Low Pitch. Otherwise you will find yourself a half tone sharp to the rest of the band.

