Mike's Oud Forums

Wanted: Turkish or Arabic Oud

RubabPlayer - 6-14-2012 at 04:07 PM

I have decided to give the Oud a chance instead of other options we had been considering for our project.

My budget is only up to $1000 including shipping to Tokyo. (less if possible) New or used in perfect condition are fine. I am not expecting a master level instrument, but I want something that has good sound and will hold up for us for a long while.

This is a second instrument for me, so I cannot invest more until I am 100% sure it will find a place in our music.

Turkish or Arabic are ok. But I prefer something that is not too large. Large Arabic Ouds have been very uncomfortable to try. I hope for something a little more manageable.

Please email or U2U me with any offers. I will require photos and sound clips.

Thanks for all your help. Mike's Ouds is the best source of information on an instrument I have seen!!! And the people here are amazing!


azzizza - 6-16-2012 at 06:48 AM

I have a fine oud from izmir that wouldfit your needs. Please email me at armensevag@hotmail.com for more info

Thank you


fadel - 6-16-2012 at 11:00 AM


syrain oud

Zahir kalifa oud

20 or 30 days to finsh

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fadel - 6-16-2012 at 12:04 PM

قمرة.jpg - 68kB عود 006.jpg - 185kB

Franck - 6-18-2012 at 06:50 AM

Hi, I have one Moroccan oud for sale. Check the photos, I can record a bit I you are interested.

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