Mike's Oud Forums

iraki composer with an azeri singer

suz_i_dil - 8-3-2012 at 09:00 AM

A beautiful way of conversing


Giorgioud - 8-3-2012 at 10:00 AM

My God, this is so beautiful, thanks for sharing man......it just proves time and time again what a good tajweed training can do for a singer.........

ultragroove - 8-3-2012 at 10:05 AM

well, this is the right 500th post.
thanks so much.
this is why we love this music!
so great!


Microber - 8-3-2012 at 12:09 PM

Absolutely wonderful.
Two artists that I love.
I didn't know they knew each other.
Music is so beautiful outside the stage and the concert hall.
So close to the human.

The young lady with the camera behind Khalid Mohamed Ali is Fargana Qasimov, the daughter of Alim Qasimov. She also sings beautifully.



suz_i_dil - 8-5-2012 at 08:25 AM

Thank you Robert for the link you shared.
Indeed the singing of his daughter is wonderful.