Mike's Oud Forums

Cumbus action

luan - 10-5-2012 at 11:46 AM

I just got a Cumbus from Turkey, and I've been wondering about what action is the best in order to get a good sound (touch and playability in order to get a good sound) from it.
A friend of mine noticed that the neck has more action in the lower strings than in the treble, and the first two courses don't sound good (they don't have sustain or the notes don't sound too much).
Any suggestions?


jiggo - 10-5-2012 at 02:37 PM

Did you buy a Cumbus from Zeynel Abidin. As far as I know they produce the original since the 1900 years and there shouldn't be any quality issues. This is what I've found concerning the tuning:

1nci tel DO (Tiz Cargah) G

2nci tel SOL (Gerdaniye) D

3ncu tel RE (Neva) A

4ncu tel LA (Dügah) E

5nci tel Mİ (Hüseyni Asiran) B

6nci tel SÄ° (Kaba Buselik) F

luan - 10-5-2012 at 02:50 PM

I have the last in F# instead of F

I'm not sure about the neck thing, maybe it will correct itself with time and use...

fernandraynaud - 10-5-2012 at 02:54 PM

The neck should be adjustable. As long as the fingerboard is perfectly flat (and you should check that), you should be able to find the position that gives you the best tone and most comfortable playing.

luan - 10-5-2012 at 03:13 PM

It is flat by itself, but it doesn't have the same action for the treble and the low strings. It is lower in the higher strings

fernandraynaud - 10-5-2012 at 05:29 PM

Well, you generally do want a higher action on the basses, as they flap more, but if it's too big a difference, can you twist the neck mount so as to even it out more?

luan - 10-6-2012 at 04:04 PM

I guess I should detune a lot and then adjust that, or I could insert something little in the neck mount to adjust that.
Good idea : )

Thanks a lot!!!!

Jack_Campin - 10-9-2012 at 01:43 AM

A cumbus is tuned about a fourth higher than an ud. The standard tuning is (low to high) ABEADG.

I once made the mistake of lending my cumbus to someone who thought it was tuned like an Arabic oud. AARGH!!!

fernandraynaud - 10-9-2012 at 03:04 AM

This tuning you refer to, AARGH, is this bass to treble or treble to bass?