Mike's Oud Forums

New Oud project_Alexi

Alexi_OUD - 2-3-2013 at 08:30 PM

Hello to all, despite playing oud for 32 years now, this past year I have been intrigued to build my 1st oud. I will be posting photos and updates periodically and I appreciate any advice. Today I was able to glue the 2nd rib. Exciting

SamirCanada - 2-4-2013 at 06:49 AM

Good luck and courage with your project.
First I want to ask, is your wife ok with using the dryer as a bench? hahaha

I see some issues from your picture that if you dont correct right now you will be sorry later.
You dont need to use all those clamps, The tape and the thumbtacks are plenty of pressure. In fact by using the clamps, you are putting added pressure which will be bad in the long run and they can sometimes slide while you are not looking. If you need clamps to hold the ribs together it means you havent bent your rib to the exact shape and you have to work on that.

Also, I see you havent drawn any lines at the neck block, this is really recomended so you have ribs that are the right dimention. I cant tell from the picture too well but it looks like your white rib is a lot wider at the neck than your walnut rib. You want to avoid that as much as possible because it will give you headeaches down the road when its time to join the next ribs and the best way is to make exact markings in pencil on the neck block.

Alexi_OUD - 2-4-2013 at 07:43 AM

THanks Samir, I will gladly take your advice, Shukran