Mike's Oud Forums

Beginner advice

Ben - 2-20-2013 at 03:18 PM

Greetings and salutations!

First off I have to say it's wonderful to find this message board/forum. Finding one that's both English and oud specific has been a struggle!

Second, if possible I would like some advice.
I've played a variety of stringed instruments, but I've always been attracted to the oud. The history behind it, the sound, the way it's played.

Now I'm incredibly scared though. I've never played a fretless instrument before, is it really as difficult as they say it is?

I also recently purchased my first oud, though I do not have alot of information on it. I will provide pictures, maybe someone could translate them for me/help me with them?

Thank you in advance,

spartan - 2-20-2013 at 11:36 PM

Hello Ben and welcome.

In my opinion playing a fretless instrumnent like oud will not be such a hard task, especially if you have an experience in other instruments like guitar, lute etc.
I think that learning violin for example is much harder

The oud is tuned in a way so vertically there are notes at the same position in different strings.

Lets say that when you play C note in the 3rd string, it's F in the place but in the 4th string and Bb at the 5th string and Eb at the 6th.

You can find many basics on the following site


SamirCanada - 2-21-2013 at 05:22 AM

Welcome to the Forums.

Your oud was made by Sabri Sleiman Asshaq

Maker and repairer of Oud and Buzuq

The older label says made in 1987 and the newer one says 90. Probably he repaired his own oud 3 years after and put a label in it.

oudtab - 2-23-2013 at 05:22 AM

Welcome Ben,

I give some tips on my website : https://sites.google.com/site/oudguitare/home

Oud is a beautiful instrument.
