Mike's Oud Forums

busalik and Kurdi

fariajam - 5-30-2013 at 10:58 AM


I am a beginner, and I cannot understand the difference between Kourdi( djins) and bousalik...I need some help, many thanks:cool::cool:

Jody Stecher - 5-30-2013 at 07:16 PM

Start on the third course Dugah and place your index finger in position to play the second pitch of the djins Buselik. That's a whole step. Now move back half way to the nut. That's the second pitch of the djins Kourdi. It's a half step lower (and a half step above the open string. ) The first, third and fourth pitches are theoretically the same in both Kourdi and Buselik. Also the djins Buselik is described by some as being a pentachord. So that's another difference.

Also of interest is that the second (upper ) djins of Kourdi is often Buselik (conjoined at the 4th) and the upper djins of Buselik can be Kourdi (conjoined at the 5th and when it isn't hicaz or something else).

Criticism and corrections from more knowledgable forum members is welcome.