Mike's Oud Forums

How to remove slapping noise from pick?

mercm525i - 12-15-2004 at 03:51 PM

Hi everyone, I have tried making a lot of picks, and I keep getting a slappy/clicking noise from the pick when im playing and if I shorten the tip, it becomes hard to strum. It hits the pick guard and makes a slap or something in that nature. Is it the material? How wide should the risha be?

mavrothis - 12-15-2004 at 03:54 PM


You just need to get a little more control on your picking, focusing on smaller movements with your hand. There are some older styles which purposely stress the slapping of the pick on the pickguard, but today most players try to avoid this as much as possible.

I've seen several ouds nowadays made w/out a pickguard according to the player's style, like M. Beken and Y. Tokcan.

Take care,


Elie Riachi - 12-15-2004 at 04:36 PM

I would say the pick material you are using is too flexible and probably resists gliding over the strings. Try a thin to medium celluloid guitar pick just to test.
