Mike's Oud Forums

Farhan Hasan Oud for sale (updated price)

alidaood - 7-9-2014 at 12:21 PM


Iraqi Oud with floating bridge for sale.

This was my first oud, I played it steadily for the past five years.
It was made by Farhan Hasan in Bagdad In 2004. Farhan Hasan is an excellent Oud maker, Rahim Alhaj Plays one of his ouds. I love this Oud.

Here is a short video of the Oud being played

$1000 USD, Plus shipping, It will be shipped from the US.

Hard case included, from Syria.

[file]32051[/file] [file]32053[/file]

zakiya_alali - 8-2-2014 at 01:53 AM

Do u have better quality pictures as well as picture for the label