Mike's Oud Forums

Back from exile! (irrational and self-imposed exile...) ? re Arabic Ouds b/w $500 and $1,000

timlink - 5-8-2015 at 04:12 AM

So I seem to stray from, forget, but then rediscover this site every 5-10 years. Guess what it is?

A lot has changed since I last treated myself with y'all and this forum. First, my Oud was destroyed! I believe that I posted the story re it's NEAR death experience on here...African Gray parrot figured out how go pop my bedroom door open, did it while I was gone AND while they were hanging with my whackadoo Labrador mix Obi...

[I am not lying bout this! LOL!]

Obi then chewed on the wooden tuning pegs...not enough to ruin them, but just enough to make the instrument hold a tune as well Jamie Foxx the other night...

Next a pretty harsh and FAST temperature and humidity change in my area (South Hill/Puyallup in Washington state, pretty close to Mt Rainier) led to the animal glue holding my bridge on (no doubt out of whack from the incident above)...well...got yanked off the body's facing by the tension of the stringz...

Next? (Oh this is embarrassing...) I tripped over one of however many guitar toys/gadgets and several hundred uber nerdy non fiction books i use as carpet and...you get the picture I'm sure!/

Anyhow this was just an Ali Khalifa Syrian Oud, but despite the tourist instrument rep, this thing sounded amazing, played amazing, and stayed in tune for a month at a time quite easily.

I'm working as a studio musician (mostly trying to build up a nice diverse "reel" or whatever you call it--translated? I practically work for free :) I feel like I'm finally opening some eyes, and making it all lead where I wanna go though) and have seriously overhauled and professionalized my guitars, effects, and amps...crap I actually bought a MIDI interface and software 2 weeks ago!

Guess what this guy's missing...? Yep...an Oud...around a yr ago I *stupidly* left a Godin multioud get bought by someone else for...I'm gonna cry...like $460? (One of the mid or upper level models too...I think it MSRPs for around $1500...), and I had been missing that sweet sound for way too long already...I hardly needed any help in that department!

Now I make a living (well sort lol) playing with all kinds of musicians, usually by adding some guitar parts that makes their melodies, beats, etc a bit more catchy, highlights their music, makes it stand out...and I'm without my secret weapon!

So...wise council of Mike's Oud forums: what's a relatively surefire bet Oud purchase for less than $1000-1200? Do they exist? I dont need an awe inspiring museum piece either...the Ali Khalifa was plenty eye candy for me.

The Godins definitely look cool but I can't find one to try out.

nd I see Ali Khalifas just like mine for $300 something...

If anyone can analyze the above... :) and/or suggest a model, I would be in your debt forever, new BFF...!

In any case, thanks for reading all of that and thanks in advance for sharing any of the knowledge here--including my questions from 10+ yrs ago.

Moe5021 - 5-8-2015 at 08:57 AM

You could try Faruk Turunz reduced price model for $1300 http://www.oudmaster.com/reduced-price.php

Or Nazih Ghadban's Ouds, they sell for around $2000 http://www.oudnazihghadban.com

Btw I have an African Grey and a Macaw. Those things can chew through ANYTHING haha!

Brian Prunka - 5-8-2015 at 01:45 PM

The best bet in your price range if you want an Arabic sound is to get a Sukar oud.
Mike's link up above to the Maurice Oud Shop also has solid instruments in both the lower end and upper end of your range.

Some Sukar ouds available on ebay right now:

Sukar 1

Sukar 2

Sukar 3

Sukar 4

markus - 5-8-2015 at 11:37 PM

hello there and welcome back from your exile which could be very rational !!!
If you are after an arabic sound, the best option in my opinion is to try Michael Moussa of UK, you may capture one of his simple ouds which though simple are just awesome . to have a taste visit his site or google the forum

ExtreamTarab - 5-9-2015 at 08:03 AM

Welcome back timlink, I sent you a U2U