Mike's Oud Forums

December Exercise challenge

majnuunNavid - 11-18-2015 at 07:37 PM

If you need an excuse to practice, join this exercise challenge. Each week in December I'll be doing some videos demoing some exercises, and the challenge will be to practice 15 minutes a day each exercise. One exercise a week, for four weeks.

I'll provide the video and the notation, and we'll see how you do after 4 weeks is up.

Stop eating Turkey and pumpkin pie this December and pick up your Oud instead.

You can join here:

majnuunNavid - 11-23-2015 at 08:18 PM

I just filmed the videos to the exercise challenge today, and I'm challenged by the exercises... :)) I feel the improvement in my fingers already...

I hope these will give you an edge on your playing too.

Signing up is necessary to receive the newsletter and receive the notation for the exercises.

Good luck!

Gocauo - 11-24-2015 at 08:59 AM

Can't wait to see what you got....

majnuunNavid - 12-3-2015 at 08:16 PM


Three more hours left to sign up for the Oud exercise challenge!!!

nard - 12-5-2015 at 07:18 AM

I really appreciate your instructional videos and all the care and attention you put into them, and am looking forward to following all the exercises. However, is the first exercise a selection from the Jamil Bashir Oud Method? If so, shouldn't it at least be credited on the video or on the website somewhere? Sorry if I'm incorrectly jumping to conclusions, or if I missed the credits somewhere.

majnuunNavid - 12-11-2015 at 09:50 PM

No need to apologize!

Yes, the first three week's exercises are all from Jamil Bashir's excellent method, which can be downloaded from a link on this good forum. I suppose they could be credited somewhere, but I'm not sure what the value in that is. I only disseminate the scores personally to the people who joined the challenge. But anyone can watch me practice and demonstrate the exercise like performing any other piece which is not my own.

I was going to originally rescore the exercises but it wouldn't be worth the effort, and didn't want to disseminate the whole thing because the books are full of amazing exercises, but I wanted people to focus on the ones I specified without being distracted. So I rescanned partial scores only with the exercises I wanted to showcase.

The links to the videos are unlisted on Youtube, only people in the challenge with the links can view the videos and download the scores, and I'm not out there publicly saying that I created them. But I should out of respect give credit to Jamil Bashir. I will definitely mention this in the next newsletter.

Week 4 exercise is not from Bashir's method... I don't know who wrote it but I got it from another prominent Oud player who demonstrates it elsewhere in the bowels of youtube. I mention his video in the video I made and give full credit to him because he is current and to whom great respect is owed!! There will be a link in the description.

I will now share the main page for the benefit of everyone on the forum to observe the challenge.
