Mike's Oud Forums

Abdo George & Sons on ebay

Dr. Oud - 1-18-2016 at 07:42 PM



...someone who knows a person in Cairo who is plugged in the old oud scene in Egypt. He was able to track this oud and its story right down to the name of the original Syrian seller. He sells Nanas for astronomical prices and sold this oud to an Egyptian who in turn is selling on eBay hence the unrealistically low price. The oud is no longer a NAHAT. The oud's bowl is not original but the face is.

The label is Abdo George & Sons. Compare the attached Abdo George label with the posting.

Courtesy the Nahhat investigation bureau



journeyman - 1-18-2016 at 10:04 PM

Saw that one. Not that I was going to buy it, but thanks for the heads-up Richard.

alaaraj - 1-18-2016 at 11:33 PM

Just a note! I have nothing to declare here ..

The label you showed here for an Oud made in 1906, where as the advertised one on eBay was made in 1926. Isn't likely that the Nahhats have changed their label a bit after 20 years!

Again, no conflict of interest but just a small observation!


Dr. Oud - 1-19-2016 at 09:09 AM

It is a bit murky - did Abdo George build ouds with the Abdo G. Nahhat & Fils label? I have not seen an Abdo George Nahhat label from the 1920's, but I have only seen pictures of about 15 Abdos . The Abdo G. Nahhat & Fils shop opened around 1910, so it is possible, but I can only guess that Abdo would use his personal label for ouds he personally made. Perhaps he did not make any by himself after 1910? He would have been 66 in 1926, so it is possible. Moreover, many people refer to the ouds made in the shop as "Abdo" anyway. The statement about the different bowel but original face makes it suspicious. The rose could have been transplanted, this was done to pass other ouds off as Nahhats.

More expert opinion is needed to solve this mystery.

ilnokaly - 1-21-2016 at 05:14 AM

well this oud was in Syria and a trader of ouds based there proposed it to me for 2000 USD
and told me that the soundboard was changed in 1950 but everything else is genuine and here the video he sent me, and i uploaded it on my youtube channel: https://youtu.be/lo2IHiWO_6k

ill let you comment :)

Dr. Oud - 1-21-2016 at 09:55 AM

I just wanted to clarify that it is Abdo George Nahhat & Sons, not from Abdo George Nahhat the old master. Many sellers refer to these as "Abdo" but buyers need to know the difference. Considering the changed soundboard it is a fair price, but not a bargain. If it were all original it would be worth much more. The replaced face looks well done, possibly at the Nahhat shop.

oudcenter - 1-23-2016 at 07:47 AM

Thank you Richard (Dr.Oud) for the clarification, Buyers can make offer for this Oud, considering that this price include shipping and handling worldwide, ebay and Paypal commissions, and tax
We list this Oud based on the label info and Oud's owner feedback.
