Mike's Oud Forums

Help with Oud

construct09 - 12-26-2016 at 11:52 PM


I was given this Oud by someone who lived and worked in the UAE.
They bought it for decoration so I presume it is not high quality
It came in a carry bag with spare strings and plectrums
Bridge to nut is 574mm
No markings inside
Anyone have any idea of origin and value?


oud 005.JPG - 189kB

oud 003.JPG - 195kB

oud 002.JPG - 212kB

oud 001.JPG - 234kB

oud 005.JPG - 189kB

Brian Prunka - 12-27-2016 at 06:54 AM

This is an inexpensive Syrian oud. Depending on where you live, it is worth between $20 and $200 I suppose. In the US, something like this is usually around $100, $150. They vary a bit in quality so if it happens to be a better-made one it could be worth slightly more.

construct09 - 12-27-2016 at 11:26 AM

Thankyou Brian

Edward6311 - 12-27-2016 at 01:11 PM

Yes, I have one just like it. I bought it about three and a half years ago. I paid approximately $350 for it. It is a factory built Syrian Oud. Not the best quality but ok for getting started. I now have two more better quality Ouds including an awesome Faruk Turunz custom Oud. I still play my factory Syrian Oud from time to time. The sound is not great, but it plays well with good action.

construct09 - 12-27-2016 at 02:52 PM

Thanks for your comments Edward6311

Brian Prunka - 12-28-2016 at 10:48 AM

Just to clarify, $350 is not a crazy price for it if it plays well and is one of the better sounding ones, but it's a somewhat high IMO. I was going by what I think they're generally really "worth", but the fact is they vary so much in quality that it can be case by case.
Sometimes one has had the pegs worked on and other improvements that might not be obvious at first but make a big difference.