Mike's Oud Forums

Otzen PVF Oud Strings?

freya - 2-22-2017 at 12:09 PM

Hello All,

Does any one have any experience with these oud strings - http://www.ebay.com/itm/PREMIUM-CARBON-PVF-STRINGS-SET-FOR-ARAB-OUD...

General impression of sound quality? Balance between wound and plain? String tension of the different sets?


Khalil_Oud - 2-22-2017 at 01:59 PM

Hi Freya,
I've already used them my impression is as follows, based on my experience
1: they give bright sound (slightly metallic), effect loved by some,
2: they are high tension even you read on the slot : normal tension, anf
3: they break more frequently than pyramid.

Hope hearing from other users...
