Mike's Oud Forums

Configuring 7 course string set with Aquila and other makes

norumba - 5-20-2019 at 07:11 AM

Deleted in the general forum and reposted here as it's a better fit.

I've been using Aquila s for a long time and pretty happy with them. Haven't tried the new formulation with the red trebles
but I'm intrigued.

However I cant see how to make a 7 course set without mixing tensions which I don't want to do. I try to keep the tension across the board as even as possible.

Currently you cannot add a high ff pair in Arabic tension ( preferred as the electric oud has had a neck reglue so I like to keep it lighter, and the spacing is very narrow so I like to keep it thinner). You used to be able to do this (13o +33o f pair). You also cannot add a low C to the Iraqi tension. I sent a message to Aquila to see if they will consider addressing this. Ideally both options should be available.

Very frustrated with the lack of options here unless there's a workaround someone knows of.
I'm running into this with other makes as well but have identified solutions:

1)Adding an .043 or .044 to the LaBella OU80A set has been well documented already.

2)For the Daddario EJ95A you can add a pair of rectified nylon .021 for the high f.

3) According to the Pyramid pdf catalog, based on diameters and their recommendation you can take the Turkish first course from their Super Aoud set (706) which is .55 mm and crank it to high f and add it to the Arabic Super Aoud 665 set.

I'm still intrigued by Kurschner but cant find much on diameters or 7 course options or sources for them.

But back to Aquila s... Does anyone have a chart of individual tensions and diameters for both their Iraqi and Arabic sets? How are folks liking the red trebles?

norumba - 5-21-2019 at 01:32 PM

No one wants to chime in on this thread? I'd appreciate some collective wisdom on this point...

A further thought I had : wondering if a similar substitution as mentioned above on the Pyramids would work on the Aquilas (using their 1st course Turkish as a high ff on their Arabic set). Anyone know about the tensions /diameters on their Turkish first course?