Mike's Oud Forums

Floating bridge Oud at affordable price

Sam - 7-17-2019 at 08:42 PM


This Oud can be good for begginers or Oud players who are curious about floating bridge Ouds and would like to try to have one at affordable price .

The Oud is Egyptian made . Soundboard is book-matched AA grade Sitka spruce and the bowl is fully made of Sisso wood ( Egyptian Santos wood) .

Pegs are ebony ( birds eye ) , fingerboard is palisander .

Neck length is 19.5 cm
Width is 35 cm
Scale length is 58 cm

Oud video on youtube: (Alice strings used in this video)


Oud photos on flickr:


Price is 300$ including free worldwide EMS shipping and free hardcase ( 100$ added to the price for buyers who are located in the USA , Australia and France)

For inquiries and more details contact me at semsemioud@gmail.com
