Mike's Oud Forums

Farid El Atrache Hikayet Gharami Prelude - The Original Oud Asturias Cover - in High Quality

Badra - 3-30-2020 at 12:22 PM

I found a rare high quality recording and replaced the same poor quality audio from the film. Corrected the speed and pitch. And with the magic of video editing software, I was able to sync the oud fingers, fixing multiple mistakes from the original film. As standard practice in all these films, the songs were actually recorded in a studio, not on the film set. Lip syncing is one thing, but I can imagine fake oud playing is a lot more difficult.

This is the only time Farid used someone else's music. He openly talked about how he loved this composition and wanted to show the oud can work with a Western style orchestra.

The full 14 minute song, Hikayet Gharami, one of Farid's masterpieces, can be seen by clicking on the facebook link in the description.

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