Mike's Oud Forums

Method for replacing rosettes

sylvainbd - 9-24-2020 at 11:50 AM

Hello I bought a new acoustic oud and I wondered if it is possible to replacing every rosettes without destroy the top ?!
I have a flat back so it could be possible to drill clearly a window to access inside by the back but I don't like at all this idea...
Can I install some new rosettes by holes of soundboard ?
Thanks for your help.

teslim - 9-24-2020 at 09:26 PM

yes, not so difficult, you need a thin spatula and patience, you can take out existing rosettes by heating the spatula and slowly go around the area where it is glued to the top until you find a spot you can loosen,,slowly slowly , not using any force slip around the entirety of the rosette ,and it will eventually come loose. you can also use hot water to heat the spatula (keep Heating it over and over) the main thing is not to pry in any way, just keep working the glue with the heated spatula till it releases,,it is also good to keep a thumb or finger on the top above the area you are working to avoid any possibility of pushing a weak spot open,,once it is loose -to remove often times the inner ring has a cut out section that will provide space to maneuver the rosette out, if not you can cut one with a small saw,, the plastic rosettes are also usually bendable , i hope this helps

sylvainbd - 9-25-2020 at 09:15 AM

Thank you teslim
I ll try soon :)
If somebody got some models I am interested. Bendable rosette is better !...

suz_i_dil - 9-25-2020 at 01:51 PM

All well explained by teslim. But i would just add I is better using alcohol flamme to heat the spatula. It keeps the spatula clean and avoid black deposits on it , will keep the work on the soundboard wood cleaner