Mike's Oud Forums

Let's talk about arm rests!

dusepo - 5-22-2021 at 11:00 AM

I have been using mainly an old sock with the end cut off to make playing more comfortable on my right arm, but recently I put a piece of flexible plastic inside which made it even better. I experimented with making a wooden armrest on my latest oud build (even though I don't like the aesthetics of them usually), but it didn't make it any more comfortable for me, so I decided to stick with the old sock! I also bought one made for classical guitarists called 'Luva' which is a similar design (stretchy material with plastic inside) but found the plastic less flexible and so it dug into my upper arm as well as restricting risha movement a bit.
I was curious what if anything you lot use? I know some of you with longer arms might not need anything of course!

dusepo - 5-23-2021 at 02:20 AM

Here's my old sock approach:

Khalil_Oud - 5-23-2021 at 07:30 AM

Hi Dusepo,
On stage, I use an armpad (looks like Luva without plastic inside) it's strech/elastic, I find it good : mybe you should take a bigger size ?
At home, to protect my oud, I use simply a clean litle microfiber towel. My oud is 2006 made, no markings, stains...