Mike's Oud Forums

Barsamian Bar

ArmoOudist - 6-24-2021 at 08:46 AM

This is a short clip of me playing an old Armenian-American song entitled "Barsamian Bar".
Any constructive criticism would be welcome, though the way I have the camera, you can't see much of my technique.

paulO - 7-2-2021 at 11:37 AM

Hi Armo,

I checked out your video and have a couple of thoughts:

1. Are you reading the tune from sheet music ? If so, memorize the tune. This will help eliminate any hesitancy in playing the tune, as well as down the road - to sort of cement the progression of the tune so you'll be able to 'play around the melody' when you choose to. The 10/8 Curcuna rhythm offers so much to a player.

2. I also noticed that you're looking at your right hand a few times. Work on locating each course with your right hand by feel - you want to be able to strike each pair without looking. If you get comfortable locating the picks location without looking, it'll give a sense of freedom and strength to your sound. I've been told by more than one very fine player that the picking hand is the soul of the instrument, it's worth the investment in time.

3. Although I couldn't see your picking or fretting hands - I noticed that you were holding the oud at an angle, with the neck angled toward the floor...try to have the neck somewhat parallel to the floor...if possible. See how it feels, experiment a bit with it.

4. Check this out: https://youtu.be/5s3TXsq7nsc hope you enjoy it !!

Hope this helps a little.

Regards - PaulO

ArmoOudist - 7-3-2021 at 06:46 AM

Thanks for the help! To be honest, I probably do have that song memorized, and I was ad libbing a bit with the rhythms and melody. I was just sort of looking at the notes that were written just as a security blanket I guess.
I'll definitely have to try holding the oud more parallel to the floor.

paulO - 7-3-2021 at 02:20 PM

Glad to help. Have fun.
