Mike's Oud Forums

my doubleneck oud/guitar for sale

norumba - 7-10-2022 at 04:06 PM

I am parting with this.... as its simply not serving my needs and it also need a little modification and help.

I'll direct you to the vid here for more details on the provenance and origin of the project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4475wBEahU

Issues with it are around the oud neck.

in short - the oud neck head stock has cracked, though never detached, twice. The second time, I had to repair it myself and while not elegant, it has been rock solid and stable for years.

also this was configured as a 7 course, but the spacing on this neck for 7 courses is quite narrow.

Ultimately, both the original luthier - now retired - and i agree that the angled headstock was not an ideal way to go, in hindsight, for an instrument this big and weighty.

however, I have a unique opportunity to make this correct for the next owner:

i have been consulting with a local oudist /guitarist/luthier, who i can vouch for his work. He has analysed this piece, understands the issues and is standing to by make a new neck - with a regular neck angle this time - and so we have room to dial in some specifics to your taste and requirements.

he can also do some light fret dressing on the electric neck, and do some touch up work on the side, which shows some scuffing from the gig bag, which doesnt quite fit with the headstock (yet another reason to change the oud neck).

the instrument has served for me well for the project at the time, with numerous gigs and a live album. Let me know if you want more videos!

i have upwards of 4000 USD in this instrument. i will let it go for 2500 as is, or 3000 with the new neck made to your order.

there is a lot to talk about here, so DM me, and we can discuss specifics.

A full portfolio of pictures is here:



norumba - 7-24-2022 at 07:26 PM

updated with new pics, still at the same portfolio link: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzXAP9