Mike's Oud Forums

Right Hand Form Check / Arm Pain

cameron - 4-8-2023 at 07:29 AM

Hi All,

I was really helped by the advice given to Victoria recently, which made me wonder about my own right hand technique. Not least because I have had some right arm discomfort (mostly bicep/shoulder) of late. I think this has more to do with my desk-work (it's most pronounced when using the mouse), but I would be glad to know if anything I'm doing on the oud looks super off, awkward, stiff, or otherwise likely to induce injury

I made a brief recording of sections from pieces I'm working on (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVS3KtCQr-4)—no claims made here about the musicality of what I've done.

Brief background: I've been playing on and off for over a little a year, with some lessons early on from a truly excellent teacher (Hi Brian!), lately self-directed and so possibly developing some bad habits.

Many thanks,

Brian Prunka - 4-10-2023 at 03:29 PM

Hey Cameron! I was waiting to see if anyone else chimed in here. Honestly, to the extent that I can tell in a video, you seem to be progressing quite well and I don't seen any problems that jump out to me. You seem nice and relaxed and are getting a good sound. For now I'd suggest just take frequent rests and pay attention to any tension you experience, make sure you're breathing.

MattOud - 4-10-2023 at 04:25 PM

I agree with Brian. Everything looks pretty good. You seem relaxed and comfortable, and the strokes come across clear. Sounds nice and pleasant.
btw, What was that peculiar sound at 58-59 secs :))

cameron - 4-12-2023 at 09:56 AM

Many thanks, both, for having a look. It's good to know I'm not super far off the mark.

Brian, great point about the breathing—turns out I'm holding my breath and then gasping whenever there's a rest in the music.

Matt, at 58-59 it seems like an ambulance passed beneath my window and honked at someone in the way, I live on a busy Berlin street.

John Erlich - 4-14-2023 at 09:25 PM

I agree that your technique looks pretty good. One suggestion: If you are experiencing any kind of arm pain (wrist, elbow, shoulder, etc.) from playing, consider looking for some stretches and/or exercises. I do think about this stuff a lot, because my wife is a yogini and bodyworker (CranioSacral Therapy), and because I'm getting older (turning 58 soon). I did a VERY brief on-line search. Here is just one example, though specific for wrists (what tends to bother me the most): https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Health/Pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=zm2666 One adjustment I made--going against the advice of my main teachers--was to switch to a harder, "springier" risha/mizrap (pick) material, made from medium-weight nylon pallet strapping. The harder material has forced me to hold the pick more gently and pick more gently, which, in turn, has taken much of the strain off my wrist.

Brian Prunka - 4-15-2023 at 11:58 AM

John makes a great suggestion regarding stretching etc. I remember a workshop by Al Bardezbanian where he focused 80% of the workshop on "stretching for oud players"! It's a bit of an occupational hazard.

Regarding the pick choice, also a good suggestion. I think I'm in the minority here, but I think it's helpful to practice using a wide variety of different picks, rather than always using the same pick. While it's normal to have a preference, and maybe you always use the same pick for performing, I've found that every type of pick will expose some technical deficiencies and cover up others. So trying different picks and noticing what you need to adapt to accommodate will over time yield a technique that is flexible and not dependent on a specific pick type.

cameron - 4-20-2023 at 11:56 PM

Thanks, Brian and John, for the thoughts on stretching and rishas.