Mike's Oud Forums

please lets get another maqam of month!!

habeebkum - 4-27-2005 at 04:14 AM

hi guys, i am so disappointed that i missed all the "maqam of the month" that were going really well last year and year before. i would really love it if we could all get this going again. it will help everybody work on the a specific maqam and post their sound clips for us to hear and give positive and constructive feed back. i think it is a great idea and am sure there are many people here (even the new comers like myself) that would learn and improve a great deal from it. SO COME ON GUYS.........LETS GET IN ON!!:airguitar::airguitar::airguitar::airguitar::airguitar::airguitar::airguitar::airguitar::airguitar::airguitar:
I posted my bayati taqsim a while back. so if anybody wants to try something they prefer or would like to work on then reply with your suggestions!! come on, i know you want to improve!