Mike's Oud Forums

confusion of oud

nave - 7-11-2005 at 08:36 PM


I've been interested in purchasing an oud ever since I was a small child. Though, I am uncertain upon where to find something in which I will not be taken advantage of (poor pictures on ebay, trickery of words, etc). I am looking to spend $150-300(USD) total, whether shipping is part of that or not, whatever. 300 total max. If anyone knows of anything in los angeles area, or a great online deal, I'd love to know!!! :bounce:

Though I am uneducated, I am leaning away from Egyptian ouds because I don't want a smelly oud. If anyone can give me a simple rundown of the different oudies, that'd be great.

Thanks so much!

Jonathan - 7-11-2005 at 08:51 PM

I wouldn't really take that into consideration. All ouds smell a bit in the beginning--I am pretty sure it is the glue, but others more experienced than myself can answer that one. Just leave it out of the case for a while, it will go away. It's no big deal. The first oud I bought was a new Turkish one, and it smelled pretty rough in the beginning, but it all went away, and it sounds sweet. I use it all the time. So, don't use that as your criteria as to what type of oud to buy.

spyros mesogeia - 7-11-2005 at 11:58 PM

Dear friend,
usually the cheap quality varnishes,or polyester varnishes may smell ''ugly'' as you say,that is why always I prefer the unvarnished soundboards,anyhow
My advice to you is to buy a quality instrument,believe me,you will not regret it

Best Regards


nave - 7-12-2005 at 12:14 PM

Would you say that 300 is insufficient? Keep in mind I am a completely unexperienced player.

Thanks for the help so far.

SamirCanada - 7-12-2005 at 01:02 PM

I have a nice Khalifeh wich would proabably suit your needs for a beginer oud. I can send you pictures and a sound clip if you wish.
email me at samir_nassif@hotmail.com it comes with a nice soft case. And you could have it the same week and since I'll ship it from Ottawa Canada, you can pay in Canadian dollars ;) witch is slightly better for you since your in the states. Either way we can discuss price and all that.
Cheers, SAmir

nave - 7-12-2005 at 07:51 PM

My email address is navethechimp@hotmail.com. I would love photos and a soundclip. I've gotten a few private messages from people wanted to sell me ouds, so I'm not sure where to do with it all. Sound clips would be enticing. :)