Mike's Oud Forums

Great oud for sale

oudman - 9-1-2005 at 09:01 AM

Hi guys
I have a beautiful concert quality oud for sale on ebay that i have drastically reduced the price on.
You can check it out here -
If a member of Mikes site purchases the oud, shipping will be on me

I am also selling a set of 12 ebony pegs.
Anyone interested can email me at theoudman@aol.com

Jameel - 9-3-2005 at 10:06 AM

I'm surprised this hasn't sold. It's a great price for a Ghadban with this level of detail. If I had the cash, I'd snatch it up!

syrianoud - 9-3-2005 at 01:26 PM


CRAZY MARKET.......I had a buyer for my syrian oud for $1550.00 but still waiting for his check if it arrives. If not I am not desparate to sell it.I have no need for the money ,It stays with my collection of Instruments and the Oud sounds great......

OUD MAN GOOD LUCK HARBA MAZAL....Samir ,California...

PS tell Simone that I will be on the 24th at the Getty center to see him with my mother and a friend..Pleasew dont forget or tell Najib since I cant get in touch with him...Thank you.

revaldo29 - 9-3-2005 at 01:31 PM

Yeah I don't understand either. This looks like a fantastic oud and the person selling it has an unsurpassed reputation. I mean this is a really good deal on a ghadban. Hey oudman, could you treat us to a sound recording?


oudman - 9-4-2005 at 04:56 AM

Sure, here is a sound clip of the oud
Forgive the quality, i had to compress a little

amfuente - 9-4-2005 at 02:30 PM

OK, this oud is sold and I am excited to say that I am the buyer. This is my first one and from the research I have done seems like this will be a good instrument to start my studies on. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

oudplayer - 9-4-2005 at 05:20 PM

hey amfuente
you will not be mad with this our you are getting a grea tour for this price and it should last u forever
thx sammy

Great playing!

revaldo29 - 9-4-2005 at 10:11 PM

Hey oudman,

is that you playing on that recording? Man I love that taqassim so much. It sounds like riyath el sunbati or something streight out of egypt. Fantastic! Needless to say, I will be spending a few days trying to learn some of it.


oudman - 9-5-2005 at 03:03 AM

Oud is sold, special thanks to Mike for this great forum.
Yep thats me playing the taqasim, i wish i sounded more like Riyad el Sunbati.
Thanks for the nice compliment

Mike - 9-5-2005 at 09:53 AM

I agree with Revaldo....awesome playing oudman! :bowdown:

Congrats to amfuente as well. Nazih Ghadban is an excellent oudmaker, and you should be proud to own one of his fine instruments. You are getting a great bargain on a top class oud. Play it in good health.

Take care,

syrianoud - 9-5-2005 at 03:42 PM

Congratulation you got a deal on that oud.hope you enjoy playing it for years to come....Best Regards Samir,Ca

PS and Victor (oudman)is a great guy and he is fare and wont cheat you.....I guarantee %100 you are in good hands,,,,Mazal tov Victor....