Mike's Oud Forums

Sada el Rouh

Elias - 9-23-2005 at 05:07 AM

i would like to post some other sound files of my ghadban oud, Sada el Rouh, just because i am becoming crazy about it!

The fact is that it's the first time that a modern oud make me have a difficult choice with my Nahat!...and it's new...

I also really love the 13strings, i think that the future of the oud in the development of technical skills and melodic research could pass trough 13strings....What do you think about it?
I wonder why not a lot of people play them...i find it very easy and immediate to play with..

by the way for me 13strings has been a final and happy solution due to the always hard decision on what tipe of tuning to use, 11 or 12strings?so it's all in one....

Please see the files below. The original files have been deleted and are now complete single recordings.

Sada el Rouh

Elias - 9-23-2005 at 05:26 AM

Jameel - 9-23-2005 at 05:35 AM


Excellent! Think what this oud will sound like in several years. I hope my oud sounds this good (fat chance!). How about posting a sample of your Nahat here too so we can compare.

wow thats great

mourad_X - 9-23-2005 at 05:36 AM

hi elias

congrat's on your new oud and your way of playing it
its wonderful i like it


regards mourad

Sada el Rouh -vs- Nahat...

Elias - 9-23-2005 at 05:54 AM

Hey jameel,
here is a quickly recorded nahat sample just to comper with sada...
well...just consider the fact that there are something about 75years of difference....

Mike - 9-23-2005 at 06:01 AM

Hala hala Elias Bey,

Very beautiful playing and very beautiful sounding oud. Maybe one of Ustaz Nazih's finest ouds. Elias, if you would like, you could email me a longer sound file and I can upload it and provide a link to the file. You can send me the recording to mike@mikeouds.com

Take care,

Elias - 9-23-2005 at 06:07 AM

Thank you so much Mike,
ok, i'll try to record something good and i'll send you, for the moment i could send you the full "Sada.mp3"file , so it's better to listen to it complete and not divided in 2parts..

Jonathan - 9-23-2005 at 06:42 AM

Elias, I hope you post a lot on this board. I love the way you play.
Both instruments sound superb but I think the Nahat still sounds a bit more full-bodied. But, of course, the Ghabdan is brand new.
Mabrouk, Elias. Post a lot so we can learn from you.

syrianoud - 9-23-2005 at 07:51 AM

Ghayi Elias that was great .Yes you play soo good,Thank you for posting. Samir,California

Elias - 9-23-2005 at 07:58 AM

You're right Jonathan, Nahat is still more full-bodied, but it's hard to find brand new ouds that could be so close in sounding....
thanks so much for apreciating my playing!:)

Mike - 9-23-2005 at 02:26 PM

Hey Elias,

Thanks for sending me the files. Elias also sent me another longer recording. It would be a shame to compress these files any, so I just uploaded them at 128 kbps for us all to enjoy.

Elias Recording One
Elias Recording Two

Take care,

hamed - 9-23-2005 at 06:18 PM

Thats very impressive sound and most impressive, amazing playing. May i ask how many yrs you have been playing oud? Thank you mike and Elias. ps. i never thought a brand new oud could sound like that. :bowdown:


Elias - 9-23-2005 at 10:54 PM

thank you for your nice words Hamed, it's about two years and half that i focalized on Oud but i was already inside music,...
...yes, the sound of this oud is amazing, and it is a really beautiful sensation to press his strings!....

mavrothis - 9-24-2005 at 05:21 AM

Hi Elias,

Thanks very much for sharing your ouds and your playing with us. Very beautiful! :applause:



LeeVaris - 9-24-2005 at 07:47 AM

Elias, your playing is wonderful. If I had to guess, I'd say the first recording Mike posted was the Nahat but... the 2nd recording is just amazing - are we listening to 13 strings there? Both ouds sound fantastic. Is it possible to see some photos? Is the Ghadban oud a traditional design or a floating bridge?

Wonderful sound!

Jonathan - 9-24-2005 at 08:54 AM

Masallah. I can't tell you how much I love those two tracks. You have got to be a professional. Have you recorded cds? I have bought music that I have not enjoyed one tenth as much as those two tracks. Not just fast and accurate, but so precise, and with passion. Thank you.

amfuente - 9-24-2005 at 08:57 AM

Hello, Elias. Your playing is outstanding and I hope you post more. May I ask what tuning you use for 13 strings?

Elias - 9-24-2005 at 10:27 AM

Hi guys,
first of all i would like to thank all of you for your so nice words about my playing, i feel really emotioned about it, i didn't expect this way...
...Jonathan, as you felt listening my playing, i like to express passion in music, so i think that fast but precise passages are needed in this....your words make me very happy...

By the way all of the two track mike added are played with my new ghadban 13 string oud
i post some pics of the ouds here, :wavey:
thanks to everybody

sada el rouh

Elias - 9-24-2005 at 10:29 AM

syrianoud - 9-24-2005 at 10:33 AM

Aghi Elias.I cant wait to get mine,Nazih had started on building my Sada El Rouh.
The sound files that Mike posted are great walaha Nazih was impressed in the way you play the oud.You said that you have been playin for Two and a half years.Wish i can play half of what you do after Two and a half years.Walahai this oud sounds great and you too. Witout a good oud player the oud wont sound so great.Keep the good job and congratulations on that lovely oud.Salamat.Samir,California
The Nahat is Great and sounds great too but the 13 strings of Sada Al Rouh is great tooand I just love it.

PS I look at the oud pictures.Shi ma byetsadaa .Beutiful .Belisimo ...

toufic nahat

Elias - 9-24-2005 at 10:35 AM

toufic nahat

Elias - 9-24-2005 at 10:36 AM

Elias - 9-24-2005 at 10:41 AM

Dear Jonahtan, unluckly i didn' t record any album yet, i am working with an enesemble playing classic arab music, and i also have a Duo with a Double Bass player...but of course my great desire will be to record a solo oud cd with a lot of taqasim!!!:airguitar::wavey:

SamirCanada - 9-24-2005 at 10:57 AM

Nice Nahat Elias. your lucky to have it

Jonathan can you post pics of your nahat too? I havent had the chance to see it. Cheers.

Jonathan - 9-24-2005 at 11:54 AM

I'll get some up this weekend. Not nearly as nice as Elias', but I like it.

Jonathan - 9-28-2005 at 06:59 AM

Here are some, Samir. Very plain.

Jonathan - 9-28-2005 at 07:00 AM

I know I have posted some of these before.

Jonathan - 9-28-2005 at 07:01 AM


Jonathan - 9-28-2005 at 07:02 AM

Pretty basic, but I like it, and it sounds very nice

Jonathan - 9-28-2005 at 07:02 AM

Last one

Elias - 9-28-2005 at 08:09 AM

Great Nahat Jonathan!
i don't think it's so simple as you say...i like it a lot...
Is the one you posted some time ago?there was also a sound file if i am not wrong....so the sound is really beautifull....

Jonathan - 9-28-2005 at 08:20 AM

The sound is beautiful but, truthfully, I do not play it much at all.
I am still pretty new at all this and I really have a lot of problems with microtones. So, I am pretty much just sticking with my Turkish ouds, and hoping I can get it straight with those, before I start to tackle an Arabic oud.
I do love the fingerboard. A lot. It is just that I see some of these incredible, incredible Nahats and, relatively, this one is pretty basic. Doesn't bother me, though. For me, the tone is always the thing.
Thanks a lot.

Elias - 9-28-2005 at 08:40 AM

you're right jonathan...there are a lot incredible Nahat out there....by the way your nahat is honestly a beautiful nahat...the fingerboard is beautifully decorated...i love it.
Do you feel som buzzing sound with all that decoration and with the age of the instrument?just curious...

Jonathan - 9-28-2005 at 08:45 AM

No, I feel no buzzing at all.
This is the first oud that I have that has a really decorated fingerboard, and I was worried about that. But, I guess the hardness of the woods must be pretty similar, because they have worn equally.
I once had an old oud that had that tiled-edge purfling on the sides of the fingerboard, and it had worn at uneven rates, and it buzzed. So, I have really shied away from that.
But, here, the woods must both be so hard that this is not a problem.

SamirCanada - 9-28-2005 at 12:53 PM

verry nice I really like it Jonathan

On the topic of wearing the fingerboard. I was given a set of strings by my teacher that are nylonwound so there not nearly as abrasive as a silverwound string. Its worth it if your instrument has a delicate fingerboard. I dunno the name of the set. But I know he has some I'll ask him next time I see him.

Jonathan - 9-28-2005 at 07:09 PM

I would appreciate it. do they sound good?

SamirCanada - 9-28-2005 at 07:40 PM

Check your e-mail. I sent you a sound sample. If you like them I can pick out a set for you next time I see him. I think there 20$-25$ canadian... so like 16$ or 18$ us

Ronny Andersson - 9-28-2005 at 08:59 PM

>by the way for me 13strings has been a final and happy >solution due to the always hard decision on what tipe of >tuning to use, 11 or 12strings?so it's all in one....

The high f string is also very common among Iraqi musicians and some of them including myself when playing on 7 course oud add a higher top string above the f and then
you have a very high tuning. To add supplementary bas strings to use as pedal/drone is not virtuosity.

Elias - 9-29-2005 at 12:07 AM

Hello Ronny,
thank you for the info on iraqi oud!... i was already knowing about that...
You know also that High Fa is still common in the Middle East (Lebanon.Syria..)but i don't play iraqi tuning, i played since i begin with 11strings standard tuning and only few times changing to 12...so for me (as it could be for many others)switch to 13strings(not iraqi...) has been a very nice effect...
I agree That adding a pedal is not virtuosity, it's just feeling...i don't know about you but i cannot live without that warm bass string!!!...
...maybe it's due to my double bassist past...by the way i don't care about virtuosity...(and it's a very personal conception)i just play what i feel i and love to do it!
Best wishes also to you Ronny

Elias - 9-29-2005 at 01:25 AM

Dear Ronny,
mmm...you gave me the inspiration to try this tuning...
could you tell me please the complete tuning of a 7course iraqi as you suggested?(the one with a string more after high fa):bounce:

Jonathan - 9-29-2005 at 07:07 AM

Samir, the strings did have a beautiful sound--very sweet and, as you said, mellow. I appreciate the offer, but right now I just don't need any more strings. If you happen to recall the name of them, though, please let me know for my own future referance.
Thanks again.

Mar7btine ya sayed Elias

Elie Riachi - 10-28-2005 at 04:11 PM

I just found this thread. Amazing sounds you play Elias. I was almost giving up on the oud, but you bring in a new inspiration. It is so refreshing to hear your energetic and dynamic playing style with such power and clarity. Thank you man.
(P.S. The Na7at sound is so rich and complex, fantastic)

Elias - 10-29-2005 at 01:58 AM

Dear Elie,
Thanks so much for apreciating my playing!YEs, this nahat makes me very happy...i love its deep warm sound...but i play it only on special concerts or something important because i feel so dangerous to take it always with me around italy....

peppeo77 - 10-29-2005 at 03:00 AM

Very very nice playing Elias, it really encouraged me to keep studying oud with passion...I hope to know you soon.
regards, Giuseppe.
by the way, which tuning do you use on these two ouds?

Elias - 10-29-2005 at 03:35 AM

thank you so much Giuseppe,
the tuning is standard DO FA LA RE sol do (fa)

Elie Riachi - 12-27-2005 at 02:11 PM

Hello Elias. Could you please tell me what the diameters are for the large sound hole and the small sound holes on your Nahat which you posted the pictures of here? I greatly appreciate it if you could.


Elie Riachi - 12-27-2005 at 02:15 PM

Hello Jonathan.

I would like to know what the diameters are for the large sound hole and the small sound holes on your Nahat which you posted the pictures of here? I greatly appreciate it if you could.


Elias - 12-27-2005 at 03:48 PM

Hello Elie!,..the diamter of the sham is 11,5 and the small hole is 4,3 cm..hope it helps...

Elie Riachi - 12-27-2005 at 05:26 PM

Thank you very much Elias. This will be of great help I am trying to verify some measurements and this will help a lot. Thanks again.


Jonathan - 12-27-2005 at 06:27 PM

Elie--I won't have access to the oud again for a couple of months. But, I will post all of the measurements at that time.

paulO - 12-27-2005 at 06:33 PM

Hi Elias,

Love your picking style -- wow, your touch is beautiful, and neat choices on the taksim playing. Also, both the ouds sound wonderful. Love the slightly more open and unrestrained sound of the nahat, but as many others have said -- just give the new one some time...and please, make the recordings with the bass player, I love oud and bass together...good luck..happy new year.


Lebanon - 12-27-2005 at 07:02 PM

Ghayey Elias Sabhak belghyr,Hawno Ghayek Samir min California..
Wish you a Happy New Years Inshallah sanet 2006 tkoun ahsan sini ,That will bring PEACE to the Middle east and the whole world.
Salamat ,Samir,California

Elie Riachi - 12-27-2005 at 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Jonathan
Elie--I won't have access to the oud again for a couple of months. But, I will post all of the measurements at that time.

Thanks in advance Jonathan.

For 1-Jan-06 Happy New Year Elias, Jonathan and all.

Elias - 12-28-2005 at 01:15 AM

Hello Guys,
Jonhatan,i found a post in wich you was giving the measurements of your abdo nahat,...i post them here for Elie..hope you won't feel offended about it...

Jonhatan's Abdo nahat rosettes:
Rosettes: 4 5/8 inches diam., 1 1/4" diam.
thanks very much to all for the kind words and i wish to everybody a Happy New Year 2006...

Jonathan - 12-28-2005 at 04:44 AM

Of course not. I forgot I even measured them. Thanks a lot!