Mike's Oud Forums

How do I tune on my Chronograph one Octave higher ?????

syrianoud - 3-16-2006 at 05:28 PM

I am trying to tune my Bouzouki on my Chronograph , I need to tune it one Octave higher, Like tuning the Buzuk on the thin string. Here is my Chronograph picture , can some one tell me how ?
Regards Samir,Ca

SamirCanada - 3-16-2006 at 09:59 PM

Hey Samir. I dont know what the tuning for a bouzouki is.
But say you tune the one string to F2 you need to set the other to F3. Or whatever the note maybe I dont know.
Is a bouzouki suposed to be tuned with different octave notes of the 2 strings that are in the same course?

syrianoud - 3-16-2006 at 10:28 PM

Well F and C the top strings on a Bouzouki , are one thick and one thin. The Thin is F2 but they told me to tune it one Octave higher that the F2 . But if you to F3 you will brake the string .Is one octave means F2 to F3 ? Thank you . Salamat. Samir, Ca

Peyman - 3-17-2006 at 05:53 AM

If your bouzouki is anything like a saz, then the top strings (one thin one thick) are tuned to the same note but with a one octave difference. In 5ths you'd get: Ff CC(middle C) gg dd, etc.
That's a beautiful bouzouki, by the way.

mikokiko - 3-19-2006 at 05:40 PM

Do you use Frequency, wavelength or what to measure the intervallic pitches of your Bazouki with this chronograph? I can help you if it uses either wavelength or frequency. It looks like it does, since it says 440 Hertz - Middle A, an octave higher than this would be 880 Hz and an octave lower than Middle A would be 220 Hertz, and even lower would be 110 Hertz.

syrianoud - 3-19-2006 at 07:27 PM

Originally posted by mikokiko
Do you use Frequency, wavelength or what to measure the intervallic pitches of your Bazouki with this chronograph? I can help you if it uses either wavelength or frequency. It looks like it does, since it says 440 Hertz - Middle A, an octave higher than this would be 880 Hz and an octave lower than Middle A would be 220 Hertz, and even lower would be 110 Hertz.

I use it on Chronigraph so it goes to F and then look at my machine and tell me how high to go. Thank you. Samir,Ca