Mike's Oud Forums


Alan - 1-11-2004 at 11:15 AM

I saw this site http://pegheds.com/
mentioned on the the oud home page forum. It looks like a wonderful design that would aid in the fine tuning of the oud, yet would maintain the natural look of friction pegs. Any thougts?

Jameel - 1-11-2004 at 11:49 AM

I noticed these as well. They seem very nice. Although at $300 for a dozen pegs, I think I'll stick to using regular old pegs. Hopefully they will come down in price...

Alan - 1-11-2004 at 04:31 PM

Wow, I never saw a price listed on the web site and I guess that's why.

Pegheds - 1-21-2004 at 07:43 PM


My name is John Herin, and I am the inventor and manufacturer of Pegheds TM.

I'm sorry to say that I am not familiar with ouds.

Please call me toll free 1 866 PEGHEDS to discuss your requirements. I am always interested in fitting new or unusual instruments.

Hi John Herin

sydney - 1-21-2004 at 08:21 PM


I do thank you for taking the time to look into fitting your new styled pegs to ouds.

I am personally interested in that, but since we are both so far away from one another it would be great if you try it at your end and e mail me back with the out come. emad_philip@hotmail.com I'll be more than happy to fit them on my oud which I use for studio recording.



New Pegs

LeeVaris - 1-22-2004 at 10:37 AM

Hi Emad & John,

I will probably get a set of these pegs for my oud... I'm still waiting for a response to my last email to John – I figure that the cost of the Pegheads is a cheaper upgrade than buying a new oud. I was informed that the weight of these "pegs" is within 0.1 oz of an ebony peg so a set of pegs might add about an oz of additional weight... not bad!

spyros mesogeia - 1-22-2004 at 11:57 AM

well,what can I say......I have to see them first and than I will tell my opinion.....
I believe that they are very expensive for the intermediate instruments......
Regards and respect.....:wavey:

Expensive but...

LeeVaris - 1-22-2004 at 04:12 PM

I was thinking that if I could move them from one instrument to the next it might be worth it . A hard choice made easier if you can carry the cost over into the next instrument.

Zulkarnain - 1-24-2004 at 07:57 AM


Ive seen the Pegheds-Good invention!Very innovative too. Can you send a set (11 pegs) to Malaysia, let me try them as a gift and if its work well then I would promote it to the Oud factory here!

Let me know.


Zulkarnain Yusof