Mike's Oud Forums

Cumbus taksimi

kitharidis - 7-19-2006 at 11:55 AM

Hey guys,

I've made a new cumbus taksimi following a Gniaventi-Dhijaz-Garmonicminor-Doussak pattern. I visited http://www.cave31.com/trichordo/chordscales.htm to get all the information I needed. I've played with a 0.60 mm dunlop guitar pick 'cos I feel more comfortable than using the thick, soft oud pick which came with the instrument.


Thank you very much,


Jason - 7-20-2006 at 06:58 PM

That sounds very good. I've always loved the sound of the cumbus. I don't know if you are American but here in the Appalachian Mountains we have fretless banjos which sound very similar. They're usually traced back to African instruments brought here by slaves. I've always found it interesting that the Cumbus is so similar, yet from what I've read it wasn't developed as a result of studying the fretless banjo.

Microber - 11-15-2006 at 07:37 AM

Hi Kitharidis,

Your link is not available.
Could you send it again.
Thank you.
