Mike's Oud Forums

Oud weight?

marzinp - 10-15-2006 at 03:23 AM

Hi! I just had a talk with a oudist about the weight of ouds. He was claiming that an oud needs to be a bit heavy to sound right. What do you think?
I was wandering about the ideal weight for a nice sounding oud... By the way, how heavy are your instrument? Mine is exactly 1000g!

Jonathan - 10-20-2006 at 06:57 AM

He's wrong.
My best sounding oud weighs 1 lb 12 oz, including the strings.

Dr. Oud - 10-20-2006 at 02:52 PM

I don't think the first guy is wrong. His ideal sound may be different, or his oud may sound fine even though it's heavier. It's a matter of preference and the soundboard construction, not the overall weight that matters.

Jonathan - 10-20-2006 at 04:44 PM

Doc, the first guy is saying that an oud has to be heavy to sound good.

That is wrong. A heavy oud can sound good (Mike has a heavy ebony Shehata that sounds incredible), but to say that an oud has to be heavy in order to sound good just is not right.