Mike's Oud Forums

Al Tayyar fascinating elegance

Time - 11-18-2006 at 11:59 AM

I couldn’t resist posting this for you guys. This is made by the Al tayyar. I am simply speechless. I will leave the comments for you.

it is called the swan Mandolin

Time - 11-18-2006 at 12:04 PM


Time - 11-18-2006 at 12:05 PM


Time - 11-18-2006 at 12:06 PM


Time - 11-18-2006 at 12:09 PM


Time - 11-18-2006 at 12:09 PM


Jameel - 11-18-2006 at 12:56 PM

Amazing craftsmanship. I wonder how they do some of that inlay.

Hosam - 11-18-2006 at 01:24 PM

Wow, this is absolutely beautiful! I think Saad Al-Tayyar is among the most innovative luthiers. His work is original and shows a true master. I was wondering how the back was done. Is all in the finishing? What kind of wood is that?

oudplayer - 11-18-2006 at 02:59 PM

hey all
is it posable to to make that peg box for a regular our just with more holes
thx sammy

billinpitt - 11-18-2006 at 06:23 PM

Simply beautiful. i would love to hear it.

abusin - 11-18-2006 at 06:53 PM

just amazing work of art... its awesome what else one can say ...


billkilpatrick - 11-23-2006 at 04:26 PM

is it possible to post an mp3 of the instrument? it's certainly a beautiful instrument but people on the mandolin site, to whom i directed here to mike's to see the instrument (they're nuts for bowlback mandolins over there) have indicated the violin pegs may present tuning problems with metal strings at concert pitch.

also - any on-line information available on mr. al tayyar

envious and curious - bill

will_oud - 11-23-2006 at 08:45 PM

I'm willing to bet that one of those mandolins costs at least two grand.

William F. Sparks

Time - 11-24-2006 at 07:53 AM

By the way, this mandolin was made for a collector. Those people appreciate the craftsmanship.

will_oud - 11-24-2006 at 08:10 AM

This tempts me to buy another mandolin. I sold mine so I could by my Mondol. Time, how much does one of those cost?

William F. Sparks

Time - 11-24-2006 at 08:38 AM

it is a good idea to talk to saad Al Tayyar, I have no idea of how much things cost
