Mike's Oud Forums

low temperature & ouds

stof77 - 12-27-2006 at 11:59 PM

Hi there,

I'd like to buy a oud and find a shop in Paris which seems serious enough, the thing is I ain't got a car, so I was wondering if the different woods part of the oud won't suffer or even break because of the low temperatures (well it's winter, closed to 0 degree Celsius) as I have to take it back in train, bus & of course a litlle walk here and there.


SamirCanada - 12-28-2006 at 09:01 AM

I live in Canada... so I know what your talking about.
But really the cold isnt the worst enemy to your oud in the winter because the train and the bus are heated and you probably spend really little time outside. I do it all the time and I never had a problem.
What you reallly need to watch out is the humidity in your house. Because in these longterm conditions the wood will become unstable. If the humidity is too low because of the heating your oud can develop cracks rather quickly.

stof77 - 12-28-2006 at 09:41 AM

Thanks Samir,

yep, I read on an arabic oud producer website about the humidity, should be ok at home (maybe less sure on summer).

The thing is I may choose to get one from Haluk, I'm just a beginner & was thinking of the one (OUD3) with guitar pegs.

I've read so much datas about ouds, quality, tunings, producers today & a few days ago that I feel a little confused & lost to make my choice

Jason - 12-28-2006 at 11:09 AM

Stoff... I think Haluk may be using ebony pegs on his beginner ouds now so you may not need guitar pegs (unless you just want them). I'm not sure what kind of wood the pegs on my beginner oud are but they hold tune very well once the strings settle in.

Haluk - 12-29-2006 at 03:27 AM

Hi Jason,

If you are talking about the oud which I sent you,the pegs of it should be Ebony or Balsam wooded.I am not using other wooded pegs on my ouds.

With best wishes.