Mike's Oud Forums

oud vs. cumbus

Laith - 2-27-2004 at 10:21 PM

So, how many of you out there ever play a cumbus? Not only is it dangerous to have that name on your bank statement when you order one, but they are similiar to ouds but with more volume, longer neck and all metal strings. Any thoughts?
I'm gonna pick the bouncy face for the hell of it: :bounce:

David Parfitt - 2-28-2004 at 03:55 AM

Dear Laith

There is a page on my website devoted to the cumbus:


I have a cumbus that I bought secondhand in the UK a few years ago. I also have a yayli (bowed) tanbur that I got from the Cumbus family shop in Istanbul. They sell a cumbus method book, but they had sold out when I was there - however, you can find it for $15 in the online shop at


Best wishes


spyros mesogeia - 2-28-2004 at 04:52 AM

Dear friend Laith,
I own a cumbus made by Abidin company,I like it very much but I can't say that I am mad about it,I adore the ouds,the cumbus has bigger volume but is a metallic instrument [the oud of the poor oudist ],that is how they call it in Turkey...
Anyhow it is very easy to keep,and it is not that expensive....but believe me I can't stand it to practice alot at home...it makes my neighbours to want to move out....It doesn't need any amlplification,it has longer neck and metall strings,and the body is smaller,and the weight bigger.....here is a photo with it


billkilpatrick - 2-29-2004 at 09:44 AM

i have a small, banjo ukulele that never gets played for the same reason. there's something about the metal strings and the banjo amplification that makes it all too "...piercing, man! it's too piercing!!..." - (stan freeburg)

what could compete with a soulful oud?

- bill

oud vs. cumbus=oud is the winner

Laith - 3-2-2004 at 10:47 PM

Hello! I have both as well. Thanks to those who gave me info about the cumbus. And i have to say that the oud has more in the nuance dept. than the cumbus. One thing though about the cumbus, it sounds remarkably like a sarod from india (and is cheaper). They both have great glissando abilities and longer scale work. Well, long live the oud none the less!! Thanks again everyone.