Mike's Oud Forums

Karibyan--how many ouds?

Jonathan - 3-27-2007 at 05:58 PM

I know that there are probably no reliable estimates available, but does anybody have even a rough idea of how many ouds this guy made? Or, at least during the last couple decades of his life, how many were made during an average year?
From what I have heard, he pretty much worked alone, so I am guessing that that would limit his production quite a bit.
A lot of you have a lot more knowledge on this than I do, so any info would be appreciated.

wefra - 3-28-2007 at 04:39 AM

Hello Jonathan I'm Dr.Cengiz
Onnik karibyan have made 3000 oud ,tambur ,santur,banço ,kanun ,neşetkar and mandolin.
oud made abaot 2500 .He has worked four shop and his master is big brother and Kirkor kahyayan first shop is uzun çarşı Second shop is kürkçüler han third shop big bazaar (kapalı çarşı;) and of the shop Caferiye Han at çarşı kapı

Jonathan - 3-28-2007 at 01:58 PM

Teşekkür ederim, Cengiz Sarikus. I thought you would have an idea.
I appreciate the information. I did not think it would be quite this high of a number, but you know much better than I do. Sağ olun.