Mike's Oud Forums

My new Shehata--comments and short review

Jameel - 4-26-2007 at 05:32 PM

Last fall I visited our host Mike Malek at his home in sunny southern California. We all know Mike is a big fan of Maurice's work. I played Mike's ebony Shehata during the visit, and was really impressed with the sound. This particular oud, being made of ebony, is a bit on heavy side, but it's sound makes up for it. You all might remember seeing this oud in some videos Mike posted. Peter Refala (TP21) played some on it in those videos.

So after my visit, I decided I that it would be nice to have a Shehata of my own. I don't speak Arabic, so Mike was kind enough to help me communicate with Maurice. To make a long story short, below is the result. I chose almost every aspect of this oud, and Maurice did very nice job. I wanted something a little beyond traditional, so I chose rosewood and ebony for the bowl woods. The inlay designs I left up to Maurice, but I chose more traditional elements like the single soundhole with central rose, and the full-length fingerboard with decorative (and functional) corners. The face is western red cedar from the Pacific Northwest United States. It's from the same source as the cedar I used on my sandwich-top oud, a very reputable tonewood supplier. The action on this oud is just right. There are a few things that I'm not crazy about (I'm speaking here from a casual player's point of view), like Maurice's thick finish on the bowl. It looks nice allright, very shiny and uniform, I'm just more of a fan of more tactile "earthy" finishes like French polish or varnish. But it seems to be quite durable, one factor that may outweigh the others. It's a minor point. The other thing I'm getting used to is the narrower neck. Being an amateur player, I'm not used the strings being so close (I'm not that precise in my playing!), but I can see that advanced players might prefer this since it would cut down on fatigue and allow faster playing. I guess it's a good reason to practice. The pegs are very well fit, tune smoothly and hold their place very well. As for the sound, it's still just a baby, and it will take time to open up, especially since I haven't had much time to really play it in, but so far I really like it. It has some "Sunbati" qualities that I really like, a real resonance that's not edgy as much as it is rich. Overall, the oud is balanced. I'm really looking forward to hearing this oud develop. I'm attaching a short mp3 file. Please enjoy the pictures. Most of all, this oud is just plain nice to look at, and if I may insert a little plug here, looks smashing on one of my oud stands. :D

MP3: Shehata Oud

Strings: Aquila Nylgut Light-tension Turkish Set C#F#Bead', tuned to standard Arabic tuning CFAdgc' (A440). Scale 61.5cm

Jameel - 4-26-2007 at 05:35 PM


Jameel - 4-26-2007 at 05:36 PM


Jameel - 4-26-2007 at 05:37 PM

fingerboard inlay

Jameel - 4-26-2007 at 05:39 PM

side view

Jameel - 4-26-2007 at 05:40 PM

Bowl. Ain't that purty?? :cool:

Jameel - 4-26-2007 at 05:42 PM


Jameel - 4-26-2007 at 05:44 PM


Jameel - 4-26-2007 at 05:45 PM


Jason - 4-26-2007 at 05:54 PM

Looks great Jameel. Probably one of my favorite Shehatas, and that's saying a lot! I love Maurice's inlay work, it's always very classy. Can't wait to hear a bit of it when it opens up.

SamirCanada - 4-26-2007 at 11:57 PM

Allah.... eshta Aleik ya Jameel.
you diserve it

What a nice oud. I like the sound very much allready.
Iam sure you will get used to the fingerboard soon judging from your playing Jameel. Beautiful peice.

Those Turkish aquila strings tuned to arabic sound pretty. Can you let us know what you find works best in terms of strings with this scale lenght shehata oud? I would be really interested in knowing.

Also if you could let me know what type of risha material your using? It has very minimal scratch noise

michoud - 4-27-2007 at 05:50 AM

very beautiful jameel:bounce::bounce::bounce:

oudplayer - 4-27-2007 at 08:51 AM

hey jameel

wowiiiiiii it looks awesoem and soudn like a voice from heaven.
the only think i love abotu it is the bowl wit the use of woods and colors it looks absalutly amazing and aslo i love the neck its elegent.
thx sammy
p.s use it in good health

zalzal - 4-27-2007 at 09:48 AM

Congrats Jameel, looks so smart and elegant.
I love the pegbox.

What are the different kinds of ebony used? Macassar, blackafrican wood mpingo....

The sound is great. As Sammy says, use it in good health.

Jameel - 4-27-2007 at 10:59 AM

Thanks everyone! I'm really enjoying my new baby.

Samir, I think I used a Pyramid pro pick on that recording.

Zalzal, the "ebony" Maurice uses is African Blackwood (mpingo), I'm almost 100% sure.

excentrik - 5-2-2007 at 10:24 PM

haha! mabrouk habibi- that is a beauty- play in good health ya Jameel-


gorgeous work!

Morty - 5-4-2007 at 05:49 AM

God bless those hand that made this!
and god bless you for a gorgeous work!
keep up the good work!:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:


Lazzaro - 5-8-2007 at 04:18 AM

alf mabrouk Jameel, greetings from one of its brothers.
Mine is also made of palisander and ebony.
Best regards Maurizio

the back

Lazzaro - 5-8-2007 at 04:19 AM

SamirCanada - 5-8-2007 at 05:24 AM

nice... we can see your reflection in the bowl taking the picture

abusin - 5-8-2007 at 05:45 AM

Hi Jameel,

Alf mabrouk, its a beauty and the sound is just heavenly :applause:
play it in good health budy, in one of my recent communications with Maurice I wasn't able to specify my decision on the bowl wood but after I saw this one and Lazzaro's I think I'll opt for some ebony and another wood and leave the rest to Maurices,

Lazzaro, play yours in good health too and a sound file will be great.

Thanks and greetings to all


oudplayer - 5-8-2007 at 07:14 PM

very nice