Mike's Oud Forums

the fantastic community of mikeouds

Lazzaro - 5-23-2007 at 02:07 PM

peppeo and me in my house.
I have known peppeo -Giuseppe- thanks to this great forum. Thank you Mike
ciao peppeo

SamirCanada - 5-23-2007 at 03:46 PM

Nice picture... seems like you have had a good time.

Lazzaro nice hat!

what a great forum.

peppeo77 - 5-23-2007 at 10:28 PM

It's pretty strange to know someone living in your city because you met him on an american forum... :)
Samir is right, this forum is great! I must thank Mike a lot, because without this site I would have never met Lazzaro and had the opportunity to share oud stuff (there's not so much people playing the oud in Italy, as you can imagine). Thanks to everybody and...play your ouds in good health!
Ciao ciao, Giuseppe.:airguitar:
Grande Maurizio, il prossimo concerto dovresti farlo con quel lampadario in testa...un abbraccio da Peppeo.

Elias - 5-24-2007 at 03:08 AM

Ciao Ragazzi!
Sooner or later we'll have to meet the three of us!
prima o poi ci dovremo incontrare noi tre!!....complimenti per la foto!
Good ouds to everybody

Melbourne - 5-24-2007 at 05:28 AM

Yes Indeed - Thank you Mike once again....

Guiseppe - The beautiful oud in the background - is that also a Shehata?? Please let me know, and post a couple of snaps when you get the time :D I'm hoping to get a custom made Shehata sometime soon.


peppeo77 - 5-24-2007 at 06:23 AM

Hi Melbourne! The oud in the background is lazzaro's one, like the Shehata I'm playing in the picture. It's an egyptian oud, very very nice, but you must ask to lazzaro himself the name of the maker. I agree with you anyway...SHEHATA RULES! Let us know about yours when you'll get it...
Ciao, Giuseppe.

Lazzaro - 5-25-2007 at 02:01 PM

Ciao Melbourne, the oud in background is the my first professional oud. I have found it at Gawareth el fan shop in Cairo three years ago. It is small, have rosewood back and a wavy soundboard with very mellow sound -I love it very much- The name of the maker is Maged el Tyab
Elias spero anch'io di incontrarti, a proposito forse ora potrei incominciare a studiare quel duetto che mi avevi proposto, se puoi mi piacerebbe avere la parte.
ciao Maurizio

Melbourne - 5-26-2007 at 04:50 AM

Lazzaro -

Thank you very much for posting this picture and the maker's details - yes its a very nice looking oud - I'm sure it sounds just as nice.....:)


Mike - 5-26-2007 at 02:22 PM

Hey Maurizio and Guiseppe,
Looks like you guys had a great time. This is what it's all about. I am really happy to see that you guys were able to hang out and enjoy the oud together, and looks like Maurizio is quite the character. Next time we want to see pictures of you two with Elias and don't forget about Bill!
Take care,

peppeo77 - 5-27-2007 at 11:05 PM

Weren't mandolin and guitar the typical italian instruments? Now it appears to be the oud too...
Ciao ciao, Giuseppe.