Mike's Oud Forums

Plywood oud case

Jason - 6-8-2007 at 12:37 PM

It seems like a lot of new people on here are looking accessories on ebay so I thought I would make this thread as a reference.

I ordered one of the plywood oud cases you see on ebay from time to time... the big solid one. I found it for $90 shipped so I thought I would give it a try.

The case is actually quite nice on the outside and is not too heavy for a hard case. The problems lie on the inside. I'm not sure what type of oud this case was built for... the cutout for the bowl is DEEP but it's extremely short, about the size of my Turkish oud. The biggest problem is there is nowhere for the neck to rest except a quarter inch of plywood, there's no 'cutout' in the perpendicular piece of wood for the neck to rest.

Another problem is the lid closes on the neck of most ouds. My Sukar model 14 oud will technically fit in the case but as you close the lid you can see it pressing against the neck, very scary!

I haven't decided what to do with the case yet. I can either send it back or reconstruct the inner section. I'm considering keeping it so my dad can use it as a template to build cases for my other ouds.

Even at $90 I would not reccomend this case to anyone... I don't think you can buy a hard case in the USA for less than $300 that would be worth using. Until such a case becomes available buy one of Jameel's cases! I will probably buy one of those soon. I just wanted something to keep my oud in so I can keep the humidity correct.

Jason - 6-8-2007 at 12:40 PM

Ghadban oud will not fit because the bowl is too long

ashurek - 6-8-2007 at 12:59 PM

just a note that my karura travel case presses against the guitars neck and headstock. it makes sure the instrument doesnt move... mind you it SHOULD have enough padding that the pressure gets absorbed and doesnt warp the neck with time.

Jack_Campin - 6-12-2007 at 09:58 AM

Looks horribly bulky and heavy.

I've made a lot of plywood instrument cases, you just need to think about the particular kinds of maltreatment they might get and have a lot of patience waiting for glue to harden. For stringed instruments I prefer to have a foam pad pressing against the neck and strings, with several smaller foam pads holding the instrument away from the box in every direction. I generally make them to be used as backpacks, with the straps attached to external wooden bars which also act as stiffening at critical places where impact resistance is particularly important (e.g. nut and bridge). That means I can get away with quite thin plywood for most of the construction.

arsene - 6-12-2007 at 11:14 AM

How about these two:

fiberboard hard case

Hard case

I may get the 2nd one for my Turkish oud... Or I may get one of Jameel's cases. Speaking of humidity, does the case have to be "hard" to control humidity?

SamirCanada - 6-12-2007 at 11:39 AM

I would go for Jameel's case hands down.
those good reviews are truly a statement. If Iam to get another case its going to be his.

I think idealy you want the room to be at the right humidity level not necessarly the case. I beleive its a bit easyer to controle a room's humidity then that of case. In such a small case exessive humidity can be reached quite fast. Same for a drasticaly dry environment.

you can get a indoor barometer rather cheap. I got a digital one for 20$ and a humidifier/dehumidifier is easy to find and adjust so that it keeps the humidity at the right level.

oud gig bag and humidity

MatthewW - 6-12-2007 at 01:18 PM

I purchased a very nice 'soft' case, thick 30mm padding with tough waterproof outer material, like a top quality guitar gig bag, from 'Sphinxshop' ( I think they sell more or less the same stuff as the Nile Shop, maybe a branch of Nile Shop, anybody know?)- Supposed to be one of the best oud gig bags on offer in Egypt! Has any of you guys purchased one as well?
Regarding HUMIDITY which is mentioned above, if the oud is kept in a hard case, it is probably best if it is shut to keep it in a 'controlled environment', and the case kept well away from direct sunlight or radiators or elephants...and so on. The climate you live in will effect the relative humidity which is basically how much or how little water is in the atmosphere. What acoustic guitar players (and other string players like fiddle,cello, etc) have been using to help control humidty and protect their instrument are clever little objects that you can put into your case- there is something called 'Dampit', and a company called Planet Waves makes a nice looking in case humidifier -

arsene - 6-13-2007 at 08:57 AM

Well, I don't think I will ever need a humidifier here in the Netherlands... but a dehumidifier would be nice... I guess one could find those at your run-off-the-mill dept. store, right?

Jack_Campin - 6-13-2007 at 02:27 PM

I have a fibreboard case like the one in that eBay shop (except it's 35 years old and better made). That design with the bottom being a single flat surface makes it much bulkier than it needs to be.

Lintfree - 6-14-2007 at 12:58 AM

The best hard shell cases I get from Najarian Music. Viken makes them himself and they
are very well made. If you want something airline proof there a company in L.A. called Jan Al. ($350.) They made me a road case for my oud that not even United Airlines baggage handlers could ruin. But it's heavy. But it's earthquake-proof. Dimitris Rapakousios has cases made that are truly hard shell and are covered in leather! Other than those guys, we're all screwed. I bought a fiber case from a nameless vendor that cost me $300.!!!!!!!!!!!! For me to poop on!!! Satan wants our ouds destroyed! We have too much fun!!

Lintfree - 6-14-2007 at 01:01 AM

Soft gig bags suck. Ever sit on one with an oud in it? Crunchy........................

ron - 6-14-2007 at 05:46 AM

Just an FYI for you travelers out there. I just returned last night from France with my new oud in a cheap very thinly padded Egyptian made soft case. On both flights (from Paris to London and London to Los Angeles) I asked the flight attendant nicely if she could stow it somewhere safe, pointing out its somewhat odd neck configuration and stressing the fragility of the instrument. Both times, they very nicely took my oud and put it in a safe place without any other potentially damaging passengers bags. Oud arrived safe and sound.

This was on British Airways. Of course they lost my guitar that was cased in one of those Godin light weight hard shell cases (excellent case btw).


Microber - 6-14-2007 at 06:34 AM

I have a fiberglass shell case.
It comes with my oud when i bought it in Istanbul 2 years ago.
It seems to be exactly the same that costs 185 $ (!)
But i didn't pay that price.
It fits good to my oud. But i've add a few foam blocks to fit better.
I'm almost sure it is NOT tight. I've never tried walking in the rain, and i hope i'll never have to do it.
It also seems to be not so solid. The lock (with secret number) is now broken. I've bought and installed a new one.
I also installed 2 shoulder-belt for transporting as a back bag.
Till now, i've travelled 3 time in plane. And each time i kept my oud with me. I'll have a new experience in july. Travel to Creta :airguitar:
Hope it helps.
