Mike's Oud Forums

Cool News

Mike - 3-13-2004 at 08:23 AM

Hey everybody,

I was just told by Maurice that he was telling Abadi el-Johar about our website and told him that there are some real dedicated fans who visit here who love his playing. He told him about the audio clips we (thanks Jaber & Khalid) share and videos and stuff, and Abadi told him that he would videotape a taqsim especially for the site! :airguitar: I am not sure actually when I will obtain this video clip, but hopefully some time in the near future. Apparently Abadi is now in his house in Cairo (I think me and Mav just missed him), so Maurice might be able to get the recording done sometime in the near future.

So let's hear it for Abadi and Maurice for making this happen guys!!! And again, thanks to Jaber and Khalid for making the best thread on the forums! :applause: Seriously, if it wasn't for you guys, we wouldn't have come to know the greatness of Abadi el-Johar.


bluesyOud - 3-13-2004 at 08:45 AM

Mike people like you help the progress of
music!!!!Thanks man ,real thanks .Your
help to people who love music and oud,
is really big!!!


Zulkarnain - 3-13-2004 at 09:03 AM



The #1 Fans!

Mike - 3-13-2004 at 09:07 AM

Hey guys,

Thanks Bluesy. I don't know if I am worthy of such a compliment, but thanks anyway. :rolleyes:

And Zul, yeah man, Long live Abadi! Isn't that totally cool of him to do that?


Jameel - 3-13-2004 at 05:02 PM

Talk about cool news. That's really great, Mike. You are the internet's "Ambassador of the oud"!!

Here's something I think is pretty cool too. Check out this video clip. I will let it speak for itself.

Video Clip

Mike - 3-13-2004 at 05:08 PM

Hey Jameelo,

Well, looks like you got a "MAJOR" stamp of approval from a great master on the oud you made. This, in and of itself, says a lot man. Way to go! How many times did he say, "I like it a lot."??? :applause: :applause:


Mike - 3-13-2004 at 05:09 PM

oh yeah...where's the rest of the video man!!! c'mon bud, you can't tease us like that.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

samzayed - 3-13-2004 at 05:11 PM

Jameel, that was a cool clip. Your oud sounds great. Simon's oud is a Nahat, right? It sounded like it had amazing volume.

Any chance you can post the rest of Simon's playing?

elrabee3 - 3-13-2004 at 07:13 PM

woooooooow, i m really speachless.
if abadi recorded that clip it will be great gesture from a great artist.
Mike, u deserve all the thanks, becuse u provide us this space to share our love to this instrument, and to tell the others about the under-rated oud players.

Abadi, u r the BEST.

BTW, i know that abadi is in Cairo now, becuse he is recording the songs for his new album (jalsa Tarab 2004) which will be released soon.

plz, mike, ask Murice if he has any stories about abadi, his ouds, and his oud playing, i think he alot to share with us.

Thank u again Mike.

Zulkarnain - 3-13-2004 at 07:25 PM


Jameel - 3-14-2004 at 12:23 PM

Thanks, guys.

The meeting with Simon is something I'll never forget. To have one of the best oudist/composers alive try out my 1st oud and like it was very satisfying. It has encouraged me to start making the next one.

Sam, His oud is a Nahat. It's the same one that he performs with. He changed the fingerboard to a full length one, so it looks a little different in the video. It sounded very nice. Great projection. He mentioned during our lesson that he gets the great projection by playing with small strokes. Notice how his hand isn't all over the face of the oud. Very small, close to the string movements. This was a very important thing I learned. He also showed me an excercise that he said would allow me to play anything I wanted on the oud in 7 months. It's a bit difficult to describe, so maybe I'll make a video. His oud didn't have some magical sound that I anticipated it having. It didn't sound radically different than mine. Yes, more mature, fuller, louder. (BTW, the reason his sounded so much louder is that he was playing mine very softly) Of course, it's a Nahat. But mine is based on a Nahat and it was reassuring to me that my oud sounded well, like an oud, when directly compared with an old Nahat. I figure with a little bigger back and longer scale length, my next oud might be even better, inshallah.

I'll be posting another video soon.

kuharido - 3-14-2004 at 12:40 PM

Awesome news Mike . Such a nice gesture from Abadi .

Jameel .... dude awesome oud ! its very cool that Mr.Shaheen tried it , not you can sell it high =) heh . Do post more videos of your work , and the 7 months excersize =) .

By the way , i'd like more information about Mr.Shaheen's oud , the sound is super , it sounds so powerul and nice . What wood is used ? And , anyone got any contact info for the nahat luthiers ?

Happy playing everyone !

Jameel - 3-14-2004 at 03:33 PM

Simon's oud is walnut.

The Nahat luthiers are long gone, unfortunately. (Simon's oud is like 85 years old, I think).

Zulkarnain - 3-14-2004 at 09:12 PM


Michael - 3-15-2004 at 01:27 AM


Tell us more about this exercise that you learned from Simon, the one that would enable you to play anything in 7 months.

I'm intrigued, and anything that would make us better oud players would be appreciated.


Michael - 3-16-2004 at 09:00 AM

Is anybody else interested in learning about this exercise?

mavrothis - 3-16-2004 at 09:02 AM

Of course, new ways of improving technique are always great to learn.

It would be cool to learn more about it.


re: exercise

LeeVaris - 3-16-2004 at 09:03 AM

yes... lets here about this exercise!

Jameel - 3-16-2004 at 10:00 AM

I'm a little busy at the moment, but give me a few days and I'll get back to you all:wavey:

bluesyOud - 3-16-2004 at 10:38 AM

the exersice faaaaasst!!!!


bluesyOud - 3-16-2004 at 11:07 AM

Hey that was your oud?
nice oud nice video ,thanks!!!:D


Jameel - 3-16-2004 at 07:43 PM

Here is the info about the excercise I learned from Simon Shaheen. I have been doing it now for less than a week and I can already see improvement (I'm in great need of it!!) Good luck.

I asked Simon about a couple things. One was how to best to play long runs of notes---strict up and down alternating picks, or a combo down/down/up/down or whatever. I asked Simon what I could do to improve the right hand. He was saying that my right hand was all over the face of the oud. Too much movement. He really emphasized relaxing ALL the muscles in the body, "from the bottom to top" as he put it--especially the shoulder and neck. Nothing flexing. Here is the excercise. Place your hand in the position for plucking the high G and C. Now extend your pinky finger and let it rest on the soundboard (pickguard, really). Now, VERY SLOWLY, like 60 bpm (once stroke per second) and with small movement, pluck a downstroke on C, and upstroke on G. He said to imagine the space between the C and G and keep your pick in that space. Do it slowly. Speed up when you can without any mistakes. Pick the C not straight down, but rather kind of out away from the oud. Don't stroke way below the C. Very small movements. He emphasized that holding the pinky on the soundboard makes you feel more acutely the movement of the pick. He also said to practice the opposite using a down on D and an up on G, saying to visualize the two strings as one big thick string. He said very plainly, if you do this diligently for months, you will be able to play anything. Naturally, that impressed me. I think he emphasized this small movement technique for control. I think once you master the control, the projective sound comes on its own. When one thinks about it, it doesn't take much force to make a good sound, and too much force sounds terrible. His oud has great sound, no doubt, but it wasn't particularly loud or projecting. He was also playing my oud softly in the video, so it's not a good judge. I will also take this oppurtunity to encourage anyone who wants to learn to play to find a good teacher. I take lessons from Issa Boulos, (only about 2 per year!) and without his direction, I don't know where I would be. Having someone to teach you is invaluable. I think this is an excercise directed toward begining or intermediate players.

sydney - 3-16-2004 at 08:51 PM

Thank you Jameel, that was kind of you to share. :applause:

I feel happy with my right hand now , what Simon taught you is what I have learnt. 15 years ago.

Cheers mate


Zulkarnain - 3-16-2004 at 09:05 PM

Ive been using it for the past 18 years on Guitar and 3 hrs on Oud now!:D

Oud Greatless

Brian Prunka - 3-16-2004 at 09:30 PM

I just want to add to what Jameel posted--it's a good idea to alternate the exercise with the pinky touching the soundboard, then play normally. you don't want the pinky touching the soundboard to be a crutch; eventually you want to do it normally, but still retain that level of control. I've been working on this for a while now, and it's definitely helped a lot.

Simon pointed out to me that there are just a few different ways to cross strings on oud:
1. down-down (from lower to higher string)
2. down-down (from higher to lower string)
3. down-up (from lower to higher string)
4. up-down (from higher to lower string)
5. up-down (from lower to higher string)
6. down-up (from higher to lower string)
no. 1 is closely related to no.2, no.3 to 4, and 5 to 6; so there are 3 basic movements, each of which occurs in two ways. Simon has complete control over all these possiblities, which gives him amazing precision.
The exercises Jameel described work on 3&4 and 5&6. 5&6 are the most difficult type of motion; many oud players rarely or never use them, preferring to use down-down (a technique that's worth spending a lot of time on as well).

Another exercise, for developing down-down:
very slowly, play a downstroke on the G (2nd) string, and continuing the same motion, play the C (1st) string. The motion shouldn't go far past the C string, a little bit out as Jameel describes. Then, continuing the same motion, come up around to the G string so you're in position to play it again. the whole process should make a small oval loop through and around the strings (only your hand and wrist moving, not your forearm/elbow/etc.) Again, small movements & relaxed. It should feel flowing, not forced. 60-70 bpm is a good starting point.

Brian Prunka - 3-16-2004 at 09:33 PM

I guess I should note that theoretically, you could have up-up motion, but it seem this is not a common technique used in oud playing, possibly because the angle of the risha makes it awkward.

Yazoal2K - 3-16-2004 at 09:45 PM

hey Mike, Thanks for giving us the opportunity to post our humble collection of Abadi Al Johar's work, and many other great oudist, I think this is the best oud site ever, and the best part of it is its diversity which makes it very intersting, how music can be such a universal language that brings people together, and besides long live Abadi's comment by Zulkarnin, I would add long live Mike's oud
By the way I am sorry for not being able to post I got really buisey with work, but more surprises to come soon, and it's great to hear from every body, and I am sure that Abadi knows about this forum and I can't wait for his new tape to come out, by the way I know Abadi is the kind of person whom if you bring him a oud in the street, and ask him to play he would totally do it, even if you don't have a pick
bye for now