Mike's Oud Forums

Hard shell oud cases. We all need them.

Lintfree - 8-30-2007 at 09:00 PM

Okay. There is a company that makes guitar cases that are very high quality. I'm going to send them my Harptone oud case to duplicate and see what they come up with. This is a real hardshell case for a large Arabic oud which means it will fit smaller ouds too. One size to fit all. These are the kind of cases you can stand on with the instrument inside and it's perfectly safe like the cases Gibson Guitars USED to come in, not the semi-safe questionable fiberglass cases we've all had to put up with! (I HATE THOSE!!!)We all need them and it's time someone made them. I'll keep you posted about the price and availability and I'll keep the price way, way down. I'll need some input about what is needed. Forward in Babylon. D.L.

Lintfree - 8-30-2007 at 09:03 PM

No more overpriced crap cases!!!We are a gang, The Gang Of Oudis and we should act like one!! D.L.

SamirCanada - 8-30-2007 at 09:46 PM

yeh once your in you can never come out.
like the cosa nostra.

MatthewW - 8-31-2007 at 07:59 AM

yeah, oud mafia! That would make Mike the Godfather (or Oudfather?) Make them an offer they can't refuse Lintfree!;) what are the inner and also outer dimensions of your Harptone oud case..I personally wouldn't want an oud case too large that it ends up looking like a coffin! Speaking of hardshell acoustic- guitar cases, Taylor has been making some pretty good ones, have you seen any of 'em? keep us posted bud!

Lintfree - 9-1-2007 at 10:50 PM

You look at it from the front and it's about the size of a case that would fit a Nahat or Egyptian oud. From the side it's rectangular so any peghead will fit. I will measure it and give you the exact dimensions if you'd like but what I need is everyone else's dimensions. The thing about a larger style case is anything fits into it but if it's a smallish case larger ouds will not fit. The Harptone I have fits the big Egyptian oud I have. If it fits that it will fit anything.

Taylors are good. The people I will be dealing with make the best ones I've seen and they're willing to make them. Half the battle. I just have to make them an offer they can't refuse. Any case company will make a case for $350. but who can pay that? We need cheap and good.

There are already great cases made by Yiannis in Athens, real hard shell cases made of plywood and covered in leather. Go check out Dimitris Rapakousios' website and see the link there. I have one of his cases and it's bulletproof.

I'll get my Harptone back this coming week and take some photos and post them. Later.

MatthewW - 9-2-2007 at 02:02 AM

lintfree- here are the approximate dimensions of the oud I would want a hard case for-
The bowl is 52cm long where it meets the fingerboard, 36cm wide, 18cm deep ( maybe a bit deeper, difficult to get this measurement); the length from the base of the bowl to the top of the fingerboard at the nut is 72cm, and the pegbox/head of oud angles back about 25cm. I've had a look at Dimitris' cases and they look pretty tough. keep us posted bud.

Lintfree - 9-6-2007 at 12:09 AM

Got it. But for this project I think I should become Uncle Carmine.
A friend of mine sat on his oud in its soft shell case and the look on his
face when he took it out and saw it was wrecked is the main inspiration
for this. No one should ever have to go through that. I'm on it. Carmine

peppeo77 - 9-6-2007 at 12:17 AM

Ok , let's put some italians in this oud mafia... Here I am, picciotti!
Baciamo le mani, Giuseppe.

MatthewW - 9-6-2007 at 12:50 AM

Originally posted by peppeo77
Ok , let's put some italians in this oud mafia... Here I am, picciotti!
Baciamo le mani, Giuseppe.

That's right, need at least one Italian in our oud costra nosta!

Lintfree - 9-9-2007 at 01:33 AM

Everyone is welcome. We be do, cousin.

(Played a session on a Reggae tune and used the oud as the main instrument. Crucial.
Best pick-and-roll ever heard. Played octave unison with the Fender bass.............something stinky was born.)

It's the weekend and the main guy isn't in the case place but I have Emailed them and should get a reply Monday and if I don't I'll call them. I'm on it now, all over it like an old suit! I should get my Harptone case back this coming week and I'll take some pictures so you'll know what I'm talking about. Cool runnings. Ras Lintfree

Woodlandjustin - 11-30-2007 at 04:46 PM

So did anything ever turn out about this case project?

gilgamesh - 12-1-2007 at 03:57 PM

Hey Oud Octopus, what kind of material do you want to pass round with those hardtops ?:cool: