Mike's Oud Forums

Hi everybody

fortors - 9-12-2007 at 02:44 AM

First post here so i'd like to say hallo to everyone.
I have recently aquired a oud on a trip to morocco, i've allways been intrigued by its sound and now i've made the step farward: play those sounds that intrigue me!
Good to see i'm not alone in this and i hope i'll be able to get some help from you.

A fisrt suggestion you could all give me is a decent oud method, i've bought the hal leonard oud method, but i found it of little interest, first of all it's all tuned in E, and on my moroccan oud doesn't seem to support that (it holds well on D), it doesn't show fingerings, and it looks more appropriate for a total beguinner rather than for a guitar player wich i am.
I'd like something that focused a bit more on the arab musical theory and maybe some rythm patterns.
Thanks a lot

SamirCanada - 9-12-2007 at 07:25 AM


cjmichael - 9-12-2007 at 08:00 AM

I've just started playing oud this summer, fortors, and the no brainer first step is to learn and practice maqam, as SamirCanada has suggested. As a matter of fact, this site is the exact place where I 'learned how to learn': http://www.mikeouds.com/video/learn.html

fortors - 9-12-2007 at 09:00 AM

oh well, looks like i've come to the right place!